I've Always Had Your Back «Chamber X Reader»

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A/N: I know... sorta similar to quite a few of my other works in this book, but I couldn't help myself!
Leave any ideas you may have in the comments, or just let me know your thoughts!



Something that most people, including your fellow Teammates, all seem to look forward to after a long day.

For them, it's a chance to finally leave the stresses and worries behind them and just float away as carelessly as one can when on this career path.

But, for you...

You dread sleep.

Every night, the mere thought of laying in your bed, blank gaze wandering the ceiling, sends unpleasant shivers down your spine.

Memories... or maybe they're just figments of your imagination, sprawl out in front of you, the feeling of them so real, it's while you try to achieve sleep that you're convinced reality isn't exactly what everyone makes it out to be.

To you, sleep scares you.

It scares you to have to face the imminent terrors of your own mind just in hopes to earn a scrap of rest.

You're utterly exhausted, sure.

But you can't do it.

You just can't do it.

And as the constant ticking of the clock hanging coldly on the wall of your room continues it's chatter, you sigh heavily, grimacing against yourself.

It's on nights like these that usually, you'd get up and go for a wander, maybe knit with Omen, grab a glass of water and then head back to your bed.

That usually works - by the time you wind up back behind the door to your room, your mind is too exhausted to even muster up anything to use against you.

But on this night in particular, your usual isn't available.

Omen, Brimstone, Viper, Sage and Phoenix are all gone on some week long Mission.

Cypher and Sova are scattered across the globe, chasing leads...

So, needless to say, Base is pretty much empty - void of the fire Radiant's usual upbeat and happy attitude.

Which, to be honest, after the bland events of today, you're really beginning to miss.

"Maybe if I just get up and go for a walk," You murmur lowly, tossing off your covers, your feet hitting the cold floor.

Making your way to the door and into the dimly lit hallway, you softly pad towards the kitchen, the carpet muffling your movements, your thoughts gradually easing off.

A glass of water wouldn't hurt, either.

Humming to yourself, you nab a glass from the cupboard and pour some water, the sounds of your actions no longer muffled - instead, they make you wince.

Someone's bound to be up at this hour. It's not that late, yet.

You leave the kitchen behind, glass of water in hand, your body beginning to wander absentmindedly, your headspace becoming hazier as the minutes go by.

Good. That means I'm getting tired.

Rounding the corner into the Common Area, you find yourself flopping down against the plush cushions of the sofa closest to the rather large and surprisingly expansive bookshelf that sits off to the side of the shared room.

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