That Opening in Any Y/N Story on Wattpad

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A/N: Stick with me here. I'm blending Y/N writing style with my own. So please don't think that I would ever, in a million years, unironically use "orbs" to describe anything other that the shape of my tumors and the things I see at night.o


Y/n woke up like it always did, the despicable thing. Honestly, not even the best scientists could make heads or tails of the creature that stood in the mirror of the bathroom. 

THIS putrid, horrid, repulsive mockery of a person.

Y/N got up, their shining orbs gleaming in the morning dawn light. They sighed sadly, suddenly certain that their social life was going to suffer. Today was Monday, and they were going to be in a new school ever since their mom had taken that job offer for new management at Job Inc. 

Y/N was an outcast, a loser. They were horrible with people and- What? Y/N stories are in first person? Well that explains a lot.

and turned into a stuttering mess really quickly. I put on a quick outfit 


and walked to the kitchen, where mom was waiting for me. 

"Y/N! How did you sleep?"

"I slept okay, mom." I answer, finishing the last of my cereal that I had grabbed, poured, and eaten within the the 2 seconds that you took to read the line of me walking into the kitchen to talking with my mother. Fool.

"That's nice honey, have a nice day at school! I just know that you'll make some wonderful friends!" Mom exclaims happily, hugging me. 

"And remember, I'll always be there for ya, alright?" I get booped on the nose.

 "I love you."

"I love you too mom.


Rough start, sorry not sorry. I'm legit trying to understand this absolute shit that is a writing style.

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