D- for what

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We came here one day since we heard that something was going on here.
Didn't know anything at that time,I mean how old was I?
Like 5 or 6??
Followed what I was told to do, towing the line like a sheep being hearded to the slaughter.
Remember they saying something about how you good it was. What a blessing it was,how fortunate I was to be a part of it.
Momma was ...
Old memories from younger days do tend to fade quicker nowadays. Don't seem that old too.
Meeting a friend was one of the things that kept me interested,though it seemed I'm always chasing her.
From childhood to adolescents and finally adults. Our parts diverging here but faith still seems adamant, wouldn't you say so Snowy?

The food we got to eat all the time,playing all by myself,sometimes watching when those I was familiar with were not available. I did seem to hate classes though,I wonder why that was so thinking back on it now.

I mean I don't mean to brag but I was quite a brilliant student in school.
But anytime I got to this place I always found myself wanting, maybe it was because it wasn't all that familiar and the courage was not yet there.
Would often watch others play while I stood alone out of sight.

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