Personality of a muslim

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1. Starts his conversation with a salam.

2. Will talk with utmost respect and with politeness.

3. You won't find any kind of pride in his behavior.

4. He has the habit of listening. He listens to everyone's voice and opinion.

5. And he won't come across as a chatterbox and will only talk when it's necessary.

6. He doesn't talk to win the argument or to prove his point.

7. He criticizes too when it's necessary but not with a negative approach. He criticizes so that improvement can be made in that particular regard.

8. If he makes any kind of mistake then he ask for forgiveness with an open heart.

9. He ponders over things and doesn't prejudge about anything. He makes an opinion after thorough study.

10. And he takes help from multiple resources of knowledge. He reads books too and also spends time with good people. And when he listens about Allah and his rasool saw then an urge develops in him that he should also understand the Quran.

11. You will never find him wasting time here and there. You will not find him watching long matches of cricket or sitting on a side tea stall for hours. Or forwarding jokes on whatsapp. He uses social media apps as a dai.

12. He doesn't follow any particular fashion in dressing. You will always find him wearing clean and simple clothes.

13. You will find that when he gets an invitation then he readily accepts it. He gives priority to the invitation he receives.

14. When you will look into his personal life then you will find that it would be full of sacrifices. He sacrifices his time, energy and money as much as he can for deen. And when anyone calls him for any good deed then he never says no.

15. You will see that whether he is in school or college or any organization, his image is maintained as a person who can't be corrupted. People may go to dinner or party with anyone but when they are in need of a person who can help them or can good them good advice then they always reach out to him only.

16. You will observe that he doesn't believe in discussing social issues rather he works to solve them. He won't discuss on child labor, sitting at a tea stall and then ordering tea from a child labor working at the same tea stall. If he finds such child then he will try to reach out to him and would try to talk to his parents to know what compelled him to work at this age.

17. He cannot get suppressed by the society. He stands like a mountain in front of ceremonies. He never even thinks about dowry or stuff like that which are a burden to our society.

18. He always struggles to help the people who are going through any kind of hardships and can bring justice to them.

19. Last but not least, he knows that he is imperfect, he always tries to improve himself.

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