Tyler (Chapter 41)

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I let out a sigh

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I let out a sigh.

I was feeling so many emotions. I should feel a small amount of happiness knowing we arrested many members but that's only a small victory. My main concern was Javier. Other officers got injured as well but not as severely as him. He had to be airlifted to the hospital. They said he was losing a lot of blood, if someone had waited to call, things might have been worse. The question is, who called emergency services for him? I asked to track down the number and get back with me when they find out who.

The other thing on my mind was Sarina. She's listening in on all of this, I can't face her. I was the leader of this entire operation so I'm responsible for what happened to him. She's very close to him, she trusted me and I failed. It was pouring now, I was soaking wet but that didn't make me leave. I had to shake off Javier from my mind for now to focus on my other men, they needed direction.

"It looks like everything has settled down for good. We are still counting up the member we arrested and so far there are no more officers that have severe injuries", one of my officers said.

"Any of them sub-bosses", I asked.

She shook her head. "So far it doesn't look that way. I'm sorry sir, I really wish—"

I placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I knew it was going to be hard to get them so there's no need to apologize. Great work. I have some other things to finish up so please report anything else to one of the lead officers."

"Thank you sir."

She left to continue her work.

What I actually wanted to do besides what I said was just to get out of here. My head really isn't in it right now and I feel useless not being where I should be mentally. I have to suck it up because all of the officers and other agencies here are working hard.

"So, I heard one of your men got hurt pretty bad."

I closed my eyes for a second and took a breath to calm myself from snapping.

"Cut it out Ron."

"You know you could have more help to lead all of this, even I wouldn't have been in charge of all of this by myself. How else are you going to keep up?"

"We all did the best we could, that's all that matters."

"Still though, if I was in charge of this I—"

I turned to get into his face. He's really pissing me off.

"Hey you two, what's going on?"

Sergeant Vincent came over, perfect timing. If not I would have knocked Ron out straight on his back, he knows he's getting under my skin on purpose.

"Nothing sir, I was just giving Tyler here my suggestions", Ron said.

"Maybe it's best to save those suggestions for another time, don't you think?"

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