My Body and Mind: Fragments of Thought

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my body is a temple that was bestowed on me by a truly holy wonder that I praise on an everyday basis. My walls are adorned with shiny rods and trinkets that I change as often as the weather in my current region of the world. My dressings are just as awe aspiring and mystical. Soon my body will be inked with the wills and hands of many minds.

From the depths of my hollow shell, my soul cries out in pain from the mistakes I've made. They haunt my deepest dreams and freeze my thoughts as they dip in and out of my conscious being. I push them away with the muscles that are not stilled so I may progress onward with my day. not always am I swayed by these particular reflections but sometimes these daunting headings can leave me contemplating whether or not I'm a decent person. Other times I don't have a care in the world and like to keep myself luminous and untethered by the somber tendencies that appear around me.

"Sunshine," they call out "what is bothering you today? Why are you not as cheery?" they say with distressed looks on their faces. I can give you a list of the things that are tormenting me today but they change so often that you will start to think I am whining. Feeling that I am burdening the people around me I start to fade from their presence. That way it will be one less stone on their already heaving pile of woes and worries.

Dreading the idea of going outside, I hide myself away inside my complex, I beg the Lord to not send anyone to the door. Society is a mighty force that slams its way into the attention of the wary and the unknowing. It sweeps the streets taking everyone it can into its clutches; grasping them until they can barely breathe. Enticing them with worldly possessions; Consuming them with greed. Leaking appallingly atrocious ideas into their minds. From gossip to drama, racism to terrorism, and decentralization to objectifying. This world is becoming frightful and full of discord every day. At times I just want to barricade myself inside. hiding from the evil that lurks behind the eyes in the brains of the corrupt individuals who walk among us.

Holding on tight to the captive photographs and videos in my mind I stumble through these days praying there will be a better tomorrow. Maybe the world and I will learn from the faults we have made bygone. No matter how many times it seems that a change in humanity is impossible I have not given up hope; Nor will I ever. I, myself, am ever-changing. Why should I fear that humanity will not advance if I as an individual am constantly shifting? There is still hope.

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