Snow In Autumn

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This year it snowed in October and I couldn't help but feel a bit excited. At first, it was a light speckled here and there starting around 3 or 4 in the morning. Watching as it came down excited me. Even though I knew it wouldn't stick I couldn't shake this overwhelming warmth spreading through me as I slowly drifted to sleep. All day the next day it was chilly but not bone-shakingly cold; Just enough for me to wear a sweater and a scarf. Throughout the day I watched the snow accumulate on the ground; it had to be no more than 2 inches. Slowly the flakes got bigger until they were dime-sized and feathery. I couldn't help but think of different Christmas jingles; 'It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas','Baby it's cold outside, 'Deck the halls with bells and holly. My mind flooding with thoughts of Candy canes, Thick sweaters, and moving Church sermons. It started to flurry as my family went to go pick up some coloring pages. Silently looking out the window of my mom's office, clad in a sweater and scarf, I silently watched the roof gather snow. As the night continued I forgot about my coloring and became mesmerized by the white that started to blanket everything; Wondering when it will stop but not wanting it to end. That night I fell asleep with a book in my hand curled up next to my window wrapped in fuzzy blankets. When I woke the snow was receding, melting away into the ground below, slipping off the tops of houses. It was delightful watching the pine trees; Each towering structure being its own ecosystem. Everything around the tree had melted except for the snow still protected by the foliage. As the snow slipped between the needles, it lightly dusted the ground below it, as if it was still snowing under the branches. If only I could have captured these memories in a picture, but I will never forget these feelings, and hold onto the thoughts dearly.

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