Prologue:Taking a walk

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Izuku Midoriya was beginning to regret listening to Shirou. Damn his E rank Luck.

Izuku had mentioned that in some of his dreams,he remembered being in Musutafu. Shirou somehow convinced Taiga to let them take a trip to Musutafu,on the condition that she was called every day.

Once they reached the hotel they were staying at,Shirou suggested they take a walk around the area. Izuku and Sakura were hesitant at first,but they eventually relented. Everything was fine for the first hour or so,and the group had a relatively fun time. But of course,the famous Emiya E rank Luck chose to act up. Izuku was looking in the window of a jewelry store,where he spotted a necklace he thought Sakura might like.

He pulled Shirou to the side for a minute and told him what he was planning. Shirou smiled and gave him a thumbs up. When he entered the store,he immediately went and grabbed the necklace. Izuku politely but firmly had to move some people out of the way,but he got it. He walked to the front and paid,blushing a bit when the cashier teased him. As he was leaving the store,he witnessed a store being robbed a bit further down the street from where he was. Izuku knew he was going to get yelled at later,but he couldn't leave this alone.

He reinforced his legs as subtly as he could. He didn't get much of a boost this way,but it wasn't as noticeable as standard reinforcement. As he ran down the street he noticed the thief(who apparently is made out of slime) go down a sewer grate just as All Might appears out of nowhere and goes down after him. Izuku considers following the two,but decides against it. He's already in trouble when he gets back,he'd rather not get into more. He is about to begin walking back to the agreed meet up point when he gets a call from Shirou.

When he answers,he is surprised when Rin's voice comes through. After a rather long rant with a few creative insults thrown in,she tells him back to the hotel. Before he hangs up,Sakura's on the phone,and she warns Izuku to be ready when he gets back. Izuku shivers after she hangs up,and runs down the tunnel he is in. He's fairly certain this is a shortcut,and he needs to hurry.

While he's running,he reinforces his legs again. He runs for a little longer before he stops and considers just renting a taxi to take him back. Before he can even open his phone to look up a taxi company,he hears a gurgling sound coming from beneath him. He reinforces his entire body this time,and preps a projection just in case it's an enemy. He's not surprised when the sewer grate flies out of the ground,but he is surprised when it's the same slime guy from earlier. Izuku projects a sword Shirou had made him(Izuku wishes he had the real thing right now) and reinforces it to the absolute maximum.

(Flashback over)
Izuku immediately stabs the thief in the eye,the only solid part of his body. Izuku smirks slightly as the villain screams at him. "I was expecting someone who new how to fight,but you're just trash. Not surprising." The slime man turned towards Izuku,covering the eye that was stabbed. "You little brat!! I was gonna use you as a skinsuit,but now I'm going to tear you apart!!" The slime man hurled his fist forwards,hoping to hit Izuku. Izuku hopped to the left and stabbed him in the other eye. The slime man howled in pain as Izuku moved away from him.

Before either party could take any further action,a tall figure jumped from the sewers. Izuku immediately recognized who it was,and jumped behind the hulking mass of muscle,All Might! All Might reeled back his fist,and Izuku dismissed his projection as All Might announced his attack. " TEXAS SMASH!" The slime man screamed in pain and anger as he was splattered on the wall,unconscious.

Izuku gasped in shock at the force behind the punch. Sure,he'd seen plenty of feats more impressive then that during the course of the Holy Grail War,the fact that a normal human could do this shocked him. *How strong is he!?' While Izuku was standing in shock,All Might had already collected the villain in two soda bottles. He looked towards Izuku and waved his hand in front of his face. This snapped Izuku out of his internal mumbling. He chuckled awkwardly. All Might cleared his throat before he began to speak.

Izuku has a confused look on his face as he stares at the bottles. "All Might,I don't think those bottles are meant to contain a villain. Besides,what happens if you lose those?" All Might rubs the back of his head and sweat drops. Izuku continues speaking before All Might can get a word in. "I also don't think you have any way way to contain him beyond the bottles. I'm gonna call the police and have them come pick him up,so he doesn't escape."

The moment Izuku says that,the villain forces himself out of the bottles and gathers himself together. He waves sarcastically before slithering away down the streets. Izuku sighs and shakes his head. "Damn my E rank Luck." He turns to All Might,who is standing there with a blank face. "Sorry he got away. I'd help recapture him,but vigilantism is a thing. See ya." Izuku runs off down the street,running as fast as he can now. He just wants to get home and hug Sakura. Izuku walks down a few more streets before he starts hearing explosions go off. A flash of pain goes through his head,and he winces before continuing on his way.

As Izuku is walking,he looks up to realize he's in the middle of a crowd crowding around an alley. Izuku walks up to someone and taps them on the shoulder. "What's going on?" Before the bystander can answer,he hears the familiar voice of the slime man in the alley. "Man,that other brat really pissed me off,but you've made my day a whole lot better!" Izuku looks towards the villain in shock. How the hell did he get away from All Might!? When he looks towards center mass of the slime,he sees a head of spiky blond hair that is oddly familiar. Izuku wracks his brain for a minute,but he just can't remember. This all changes as the kids face turns towards the crowd and Izuku stares into red eyes.

  "Kacchan!?" Izuku rushes forward, reinforcing himself as quick as he can,dodging attacks by the sludge,and grabs hold of Kacchan. Izuku yanks Kacchan out of the sludge,before jumping back towards the crowd. He hands Kacchan to one of the heroes,and grabs a piece of rubble the villain had broke off one of the buildings. The sludge is now rushing forward,screaming. Izuku doesn't bother listening to what it's saying. He hurls the object into the villains eye,stopping it in it's tracks. "Son of a bitch! Why is it always the eyes!?" Before Izuku can do anything else,All Might appears and scatters the villain again.

  Izuku takes the time everyone is gawking at All Might to write a quick note and hand it to Kacchan. When he turns to leave,he is grabbed by one of the pro heroes. "That was really reckless, you know! What if All Might hadn't been there!?" Izuku rolls his eyes as the hero keeps lecturing him. When he's finally let go,he immediately starts sprinting. Rin's going to scold him,and Sakura's going to give him The Look.

  Halfway to the hotel he is stopped by All Might. "I AM HERE!" All Might bursts into smoke mid catchphrase,and when it clears a skinny old man is in his place,blood leaking out of his mouth. Izuku immediately stiffens,glaring down the man. "You better tell me who you are and what you want,before things get ugly." While Izuku may appear calm and collected on the surface,internally he's screaming. The old man pulls out a handkerchief and wipes his mouth before speaking. "Now now,there's no need for violence young man. I know it may seem hard to believe,but I really am All Might. And I've come to present you with an offer."

(Timeskip-Not much changes from the anime)
  As Izuku walked up to the room they were staying in,he stood stiff in the doorway as he knocked. The door opened and he was greeted to everyone standing in the living room,staring at him. Izuku chuckled nervously. "I can explain."

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