Chapter 1:A family conversation

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(A/n:Hello anyone reading this. I figured I'd go ahead and tell you not to expect consistent updates. I'm horrible at keeping a schedule.)

"Izuku,I'm seriously considering tying you to the bed just to keep you out of trouble." Izuku gasped and turned his head to the side,blushing. Everyone else turned to stare at the person who spoke up,Sakura. "SAKURA?!" Sakura slowly blinks as she stares at the group. "What? It would work." Everyone's face fell into a deadpan. Shirou nervously chuckled as he spoke. "Sakura,be careful what you say. People could take it the wrong way."

Sakura blinks owlishly for a minute before her face turns a bright red. "I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT! I AM SO SORRY IZUKU!" As she was speaking,her face got progressively redder and redder. Before it could continue any further,Izuku tapped her on the shoulder. "Sakura,breath." After taking a few deep breaths,Sakura got her blush under control. She immediately turned towards Izuku with The Look on her face. "Now that that's out of the way,let's get back on topic." Izuku shudders slightly. He knows he's in trouble.

"What the hell were you thinking!? You can't just leave and go fight crime whenever you want! Do you have any idea how worried I was!?" Sakura continues her speech for a few more minutes,Izuku smiling nostalgically as she does. *This kinda reminds me of when she lectured me about fighting Shinji.* When Izuku looks back to Sakura after his walk down memory lane,she's sitting on the couch,breathing heavily.

"If it makes you feel any better Sakura,I wasn't planning on fighting that guy." He then pulls out the necklace he bought for her. "I hope you like it." Sakura takes it from his hands and smiles softly before getting up and kissing him on the cheek. "It's wonderful,thank you." Izuku smiles and hugs her,enjoying it immensely. Sakura suddenly looks towards Izuku with The Look again. "This doesn't mean you're not still in trouble,mister." Izuku winces slightly.

"Before you decide on what punishment I shall receive,can I at least tell you something important?" Everyone in the room was mildly confused,so they let Izuku speak. "I think I may have found someone who knew me before the fire." As soon as he finished speaking,several things happened at once. Sakura(who was still hugging Izuku) squeezed him even tighter. Shirou's eyes widened,mouth open in surprise. Tohsaka was the same(if slightly more composed) as Shirou.

Sakura began to rapid fire questions(a habit she had picked up from Izuku) fast enough he couldn't make out what she was saying. He chuckled fondly as she continued. "Sakura breath. I'll answer your questions one at a time." Sakura stops talking and takes a few deep breaths. "Ok,I think I'm alright now." The two look over at Shirou and Tohsaka,faces still stuck in the same expression. "I think I broke them."

Sakura smiled and walked over towards them. She flicked Shirou in the forehead,and then did the same to Tohsaka. Shirou sheepishly apologized,while Tohsaka did the same(you couldn't really tell it was an apology unless you knew her. It sounded more like an insult.) Izuku looked over the room,before speaking up. "Feel free to ask any questions." Sakura immediately dove at the chance.

"So who was it?" A rather simple question,but it was a good one to start off on. "I don't remember his actual name,but I do remember I gave him a nickname. I called him Kacchan." Tohsaka sighed and shook her head. "While it is nice you found him Izuku,we can't really find him based on a nickname."

Izuku wilted slightly at that. "Well that's not good." Izuku wracked his brain for a solution,but before he could come up with one,Sakura did it for him. "He was around our age right? That means he should be in school. There's really only one school around here,which we go to. We could look for him at school. And if that doesn't work out,we can always look after school." Shirou nods his head at Sakura's idea.

"That could work. And while you two are doing that,I can look for him while I'm out looking for a job." Izuku tilts his head slightly,looking at Tohsaka. "What about Tohsaka? I don't think she'd enjoy being alone in the apartment all day." Tohsaka sighed and shook her head. "Normally you'd be right Izuku,but I need to set up a few things." Izuku has a pretty good idea of what "things" are,so he leaves it be. "I'd love to keep this conversation going,but I'm hungry. I'll help Shirou make some food,and then we can continue."

(After dinner)

Tohsaka sighed heavily,a glare on her face. "So not only do you go off and fight villains on your own,you accept a quirk from the Number One Hero,which I WILL be studying later,without even bothering to tell us about it?" Tohsaka was preparing for a very long rant about this,but he was getting tired and he just wanted to sleep. "Tohsaka,I get that I messed up,but can we continue this tomorrow? I'm tired." Tohsaka glares at Izuku for a minute before sighing.

"Fine,but we WILL continue where we left off. None of your sneaky ways of avoiding questions."

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