The first day...

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Ok soooo this is the FIRST OFFICIAL CHAPTERRRRRRR and rn it is 4:29pm :D


Deku POV:

...It was my first day of UA highschool, I am now a freshman. I sigh,get up and get dressed for school. The sad thing is we have uniforms, in elementary we didn't have to wear a uniform but at the same time I had to apply to this high school.It was my dream to go to UA highschool!!

"Honey!!! Breakfast is ready!!!" mom said. "Coming!!!", I walked downstairs after brushing my teeth. "Oh my goshhh Izukuuuu!!! That uniform looks great on you!!!" She said very happily."Thanks mom!! I think I am going to skip breakfast this morning.."....."Oh ok zuzu have a great day at school!! Bye love, love you be safe!!!" She said as I walked away to school. 

I arrive at school and the first person I see out of all the kids, is an angry looking blonde. Male obviously...He looks hot but eh. I dont need to date I just need to get through my dream highschool. I walk into the school and see a lady she waves at me and tells me to come over there. She then asked for my name "I-izuku Midoriya". "Ok uhm your in Class 1-A and here is your schedule!! Have fun and do good, and work hard!!!" "Ok ma'am thank you!" "No problem" says the lady.

I have trouble finding my class then I see the same blonde male in the hallway, he looks very intimidating. I show no fear and walk up to him. "Uhm hi!!"..."Hello??" He looked down at me. "What do you need?" he said. "U-uhm can you help me find my way to Class 1-A??". "Sure I have to go there anyways!". Hmmm he doesn't seem that mean...

We then walk together and have a little conversation. "So uhm what's your name??" "Kastuki Bakugou....Yours?" "Oh uhm I-izuku Midoriya!!" I said with a slight smile. "Hey Izuku you don't have to be afraid of me ok I am a nice person I may look intimidating but really I am not kay?" I then nod my head. "Oh here is Class 1-A!!" I said. "Oh ok welp can we be friends??" Kastuki said. "U-uhm sure!!" I said with a smile. He walks in the class and I walk in after him. 

I got through my day smoothly and ended up getting kastuki's phone number, but I couldn't help to notice he was staring at me in class all day today. Eh I tried not to think about it but I couldn't stop thinking about it for some reason. I then went to walk home and kastuki was right behind me and he eventually was standing next to me. "Hey zuku" "Oh hey Katz" Weird how it's the first day and we already have nicknames for each other, he asked me at lunch if he could call me zuku, I said obviously only if I could call you katz. Weirdly he agreed and we have been partners during math class because he asked me too. I feel like we are already like best friends!! 

We walk home together and when we stopped at our houses, we realized we live close to each other. "Bye zuku!!" "Bye Katz!!!" We walk our separate ways, I then get in the shower eat dinner and then I was off to bed, and later fast asleep.

Welp next day here I come

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