4: his game

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you snapped out of the daze when you realized that the show had ended, heidi and vanessa looked at you out of concern. "hey, are you okay? you've been spacing out for the past hour." vanessa asked, you nodded your head in her direction.

"i'm fine." you said as you faked a yawn. "just a little bit tired from today." heidi checked her watch as she stared at the two of you.

"it's almost time for work, let's get back to our areas." she said as vanessa nodded. "i'll take her to el chips, well see you around heidi!" the wasian girl waved as she walked away, you two started walking away in the other direction. "so, like, is it normal for the animatronics to, i don't know, stare at eyes and wink or something at the viewers?" you asked. vanessa blinked, not knowing what to say.

"um, i'm not sure, i don't work in the mechanics department and i don't usually attend their shows, i usually guard the arcade, the daycare or have my shifts at night." the blonde shrugged, you blinked back at her, pondering. "hm, thanks anyway."

you two continued walking up until you arrived at the diner. vanessa waved you goodbye as she scurried off. you felt queasy and weird, you're not sure if it was from the smoothie or if you're just getting weird vibes from this place already.

'maybe i'm just not used to this place yet?' you thought to yourself as you put on your waitress' apron, finally walking out of the locker rooms and off to the diner.

two hours or so, your shift finally ended. you only have a short shift just because the diner is over staffed, they should really work on that. as soon as you got changed and went out of the locker room, you decided that you'll just wander around the pizzaplex for a little while.

you spotted vanessa patrolling but decided to not bother her just because there was some random woman that started complaining about how she wanted to talk to the manager. you shook off the thought that she was a karen and walked off to the main hall arena. "how about i watch a show or two before i go home." you sighed as you stood amongst the crowd, watching the children who were practically shaking from excitement as the place suddenly got dark and the fog machines started.

"how many shows do these guys do?" you muttered as a fellow employee appeared behind you and stated that they do a show for every 2 and a half hours. you shrugged it off as you enjoyed the performance when the band all appeared from underneath the stage and started singing their signature songs.

unbeknownst to you, heidi snuck up behind you and touched your shoulders with a 'boo!', a squeal left your lips as the woman behind you laughed hysterically. you raised a brow as you faced heidi herself. "what's up, manager?" you asked, crossing your arms.

"now, now, i know you missed meee, butttt, i was thinking about letting you meet the animatronics one by one, y'know? personally?" she asked asked as you rubbed your arm. you let out a shrug and gave a hum of approval.

"sure, why not?" heidi let out a squeal of excitement as she dragged you to an all too familiar slushie stall. "harrison, harrison, keep her company for a sec, i'll go get us some pizza!" she exclaimed as she left you standing near harisson. the male worker couldn't even reply before leaning against the counter and started making idle chit-chat with you. "sup with her?" he asked as you shrugged.

"something something about meeting the animatronics one by one personally?" you replied, you weren't sure what was actually going to happen, she just said she wanted you to meet them. the male let out a 'tch' and he crossed his arms. "is she overwhelming you? i can tell her off if you want-" "no, no! she's not bothering me at all, you don't have to do that!" you replied to his remark, he nodded, accepting your reply. he was about to reply but you got dragged away by the arm by heidi towards rockstar row.

"their show should be over by now!" she exclaimed as she handed you a f/f slice of pizza before proceeding to eat her pepperoni mushroom pizza. huh, you never told her that that was your favorite?

"hey, how did you know this was my favorite?" you asked as she kept on walking, ignoring your question completely. weird. let's just say she asked vanessa and that's how she knew, yeah, you'd go with that.

"they're already here!" heidi exclaimed as she dragged you to her favorite animatronic's room, montgomery gator. you were glad no one was there considering they closed off rockstar row for now because some kids kept getting too touchy with the animatronics. she opened the door and held your hand as she yelled "yo, monty!"

she let your hand go before nudging you forward to the mentioned animatronic, who stood up from his vanity, towering over the two of you. "look what the manager dragged in, aren't cha new here, doll?" he asked, leaning towards you. you were honestly confused as to whether these guys knew what personal space was.

"um, yeah." you akwardly replied as you rubbed your arm. heidi's eyes gleamed as she gestured for you two to make more conversation with each other. she munched on her pizza, as did you, and happily watched as you two interacted.

"what's your name again, pretty face?" the animatronic asked, sitting on the couches that were available for guests and visitors, he patted a spot across from the couch as you hesitantly sat down, heidi standing behind you as she finally swallowed the last bite of her pizza, as if she was monitoring you. "um, my name is y/n l/n." you answered. was he flirting with you?

he chuckled, his voice deep and rough. "pretty name for a pretty face." the alligator replied, you looked up at your manager, when you saw her puzzled expression you knew something was a bit off.

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