Tutorial (Hailey)

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Silence was still in the air of the empty theater, and no movement was made. The gentle curtains of the stage stayed still for a moment or more. The lights of the stage were bright, glowing onto the surface of the stage. Peaceful; It was what you could call this silent moment of absolutely nothing.

But alas, that peace was disrupted when the entrance slammed open.

Two figures walked toward the stage. A girl, and a boy.

The girl was Hailey, the 17 year-old daughter of the once famous Daddy Dearest(his real name is Michael, but he prefers his once glorious hame.). Her hair is a greenish tinted blue, and her eyes are dark, similar to the beautiful night. She wears a red dress, and red high heels. She's gorgeous, basically.

But an absolute idiot.

The boy is Jake Sterling, he is the older brother of a famous popstar, yet he doesn't look the part. He is unfamous, and is usually only mentioned in articles containing information about his sister. But he still has a passion; a passion for rapping. He's arrogant, and brave. But nice as well.

If only his bravery didn't come from him also being a complete dumbass.

These two are boyfriend and girlfriend. A match in heaven you could say.

Considering that the two of them are idiots.

"Come on, Jake!" Began Hailey, "Its just a tutorial song, you'll get past this good enough." She said, holding his hand in hers and dragging him towards the stage.

"But- i- I only ever rapped my own freestyle songs! I've never known how to actually rap! Most of what I sang was just- just songs I sang with my brother and sister!" Replied Jake, stuttering and stammering.

...well I guess I can correct myself, he has a passion for rapping: but has never actually rapped before. Most of what he sang sounded like dumpster fire due to him spamming notes.

"Like I said, this one's easy!" Hailey reassured her boyfriend, "Thats why it's called Tutorial, after all!" She winked at him. This seemed to charm him instantly, due to his cheeks turning red at that simple of an action.

"I- I know, babe, I just.." He paused, "I don't wanna mess up in front of you, I feel like I'll do something wrong!" Jake confessed, a soft tone in his charming voice. With that smooth of a voice, he could pull any girl he wanted.

"Dont worry, even if you do, I'll still be your fearsome cheerleader! No matter what happens, you'll still have me cheering you on." She then smiled again, "Even if it becomes dangerous." Added Hailey.

Jake looked at her in awe. He then smiled again, "Heh, thanks, baby. I'm glad I have such an awesome girlfriend." Said he, red spread across his face.

"And I'm glad I have such a strong, and tough boyfriend." Hailey replied.

Ah, young love. Such a beautiful sight. Too bad they won't be like this as they get older(if it lasts anyway.).

Hailey crawled onto the big speakers, she sat atop the center and looked down at Jake. Jake held a giant microphone in his hand. It was the one he had since he was little. It's fascinating it still works, even after so many years.

Hailey bent over to press the button on the back side, as she tapped it, upbeat music began to play. A simple beat. A simple song.

She bobbed her head to the beat, and smiled at her beloved boyfriend. He smiled back at her, a sparkle in his brown eyes.

Hailey then began to sing:

Left, right.
Left, right.

She pointed left and right as she said those words. Jake then repeated after her, in a slightly more musical tone of voice.

Left, right!
Left, right!

"Thats how ya do it!" Smiled she, encouraging as ever.

Up, down.
Up, down.

She also pointed up and down as she said that. And once again, Jake repeated after her.

Up, down~
Up, down~

"Thats how ya do it!" She said again. Jake's eyes only twinkled more at her support.

Left, up, down, right.

She spoke different lyrics this time, but then began to climb down from the speaker. And she then held out her hand once she had gotten on the floor.

Left, up, down, riiight~

Repeated Jake again.

Down, down, up!
Down, down, right!

She put her hands on his shoulders, tapping her feet to the rhythm of the song. Jake put his free hand on her waist.

Down, down, up~
Down, down, right~

He sang, smiling at the beautiful face before him.

Down, up, right, up, right!

She sang again.

Down, up, right, up, right!
This isn't tough!
World, fear my might!

He began to freestyle at the end, slowly and beautifully. Dancing, twirling and having fun with his girlfriend. As the song ended, their laughter flooded the big room.

After their laughter ceased, they stared into eachothers eyes. Any closer, they would kiss.

And that's exactly what they wanted.

The sweethearts faces inched towards eachothers, preparing for the quick act of affection they were about to give eachother-

"Well, well, well.."

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