Bopeebo (Michael)

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"Well, well, well.."

The two teenagers turned quickly, as to see whoever had just said that. As their young eyes stared in the direction of the voice, they were both equally shocked. Hailey the most out of the two. It was Hailey's Dad, Michael Austin. Aka, "Daddy Dearest".

He wore a black jacket, but did not wear a shirt. The entire upper part of his body was revealed by the parts that the jacket did not cover. He wore a gold chain around his neck, and black ripped jeans. He had stone cold, brown boots. And his black eyes had blazed with a fury that Jake had never seen before.

"Dad!" Cried Hailey in surprise, "What are you doing here?" Asked the teen, clearly embarrassed and shocked at her father's sudden appearance.

He snorted, "Well, I was coming to tell you that your 3rd dinner was cold. But it seems that will have to wait." Said he, eyes burning into the teen boy that stood beside his daughter.

He walked close, arms crossed. "What do you think yer doin with my daughter, boy?" He growled, ready to skin this boy he had only just seen for a few moments.

Jake held no fear in his face, nor heart. So he grinned, and tightly held Hailey close. "Learnin' how to rap, old man! Once i finish, the name Jake Sterling will be all over the papers! And thassa bet!" He smiled, determined as ever.

Beads of sweet dripped down Hailey's face as her Dad only seemed to grow angrier; "Jake, no!" She pleaded in a whisper. Jake had only ignored her though.

"Really? Rappin' to win her heart? Hah! Your just like all the other ones she's been with. This should be an easy enough task for an ol' Rockstar like me." Her father smirked. "Say, why don't we rap, right here, right now. If your such a good rapper, then why not prove it to me, boy?" He asked with a malicious smile.

"Pff, yeah right, old man! I bet as soon as ya hit those notes, you'll hips will be cracking! Better yet, ya might just drop dead and die before the song even starts!" Jake laughed, gripping the microphone tightly in his big, strong hands.

"And I'll bet you'll be mincemeat by the time this song is done." Her father replied to his brave words; seemingly about to blow up about any second.

"Oh yeah? Bring it then, old man!" Jake said.

Hailey only shivered in fear as they glared at eachother, but after a minute they stared at her instead. "So, uh.. doll, ya gonna start the song or what?" Jake asked.

"Oh, yeah- sorry." She apologized quickly, just realizing what she had to do. Jumping on the speakers, she clicked the button and the song began to play. A simple beat, just like the one they had sang. Her father immediately began to sing.

The song seemed to be pretty easy, due to most of the notes being Jake just copying off of her father. She wondered, was he going easy on him? Either that, or he was planning something. Just like last time.

She only hoped that he wouldn't get her brother on him if he failed. Her brother was really dangerous when it came to the gun he had possessed; not to mention he was a hitman.

After a minute, the song finished. Leaving the two oddly.. calm. Hailey was too, she wasn't expecting it to be so easy. Usually he went heavy metal or Eminem on their asses.

"Huh, that wasnt.. so bad." She said, a glimmer in her dark eyes.

"Pff, that was nothin'. That was just baby music." Her father said, rolling his eyes with a scoff. Jake then began to laugh; a prideful, egotistical laugh.

"Oh really, old man? Sounds like your just salty that I actually beat you." Jake slyly said, snickering. Her father angrily seethed. "You talk big words for such a little man, boy." He stood over him, about to murder him any second.

"And you talk such brave words for such a weak old man, grandpa. Why don't you go back to the nursing home already? Haha!" Jake chuckled, not daring to take back his words.

Her father groaned; a powerful, deep groan. "Lets sing another song then, if your so brave. By the time this is done, I'll be pluckin that soul outta yer fragile body." He said, gripping his mic tightly.

"And by the time this is done, you'll be wishin that those heavens had already taken ya, pops." Jake smiled, gripping the mic as well.

"Oh, they wouldn't take me anyway, ya naive little shit." Her father said. He then chuckled; "Especially a demon like me."

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2022 ⏰

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