4.sexual tension is heavy

455 13 36

               setting: central juvenile hall
los angeles, CA
date: april 23 2021
time: 11:10 AM


. tyler and rakim shared some commentary on their so far short time in juvenile detention. rakim and tyler stayed in conversations for a pretty long time.

"i mean i-"

tyler gut cut off by rocky accidentally, which caused tyler to look at rocky waiting for him to talk.

"my bad i didn't mean to cut you off like that, go on."

"no no i insist that you talk first, it seemed like you were very passionate about what you had to say."

rakim smiled a pleasant smile.

"tyler please, just go on and talk."

"but rakim you wanted to say something and it's rude for me to-"

"tyler talk."

rakims tone went flat and his eyes became narrow. tyler watched as rocky's demeanor changed and became more dominate.

"oh ok.. uh do like i was saying i miss home a lot but this is pretty cool for a temporary home. not that i wanna be here but if i have to be, it works."

"yea i feel you, i get to meet new people like you and jordan and symere.. but especially you, even though we only have known each other for three days, you already made a special place in my heart"

"thats hot"

tyler said to hide the fact that he was flustered.

ever since they met there was this sexual tension between them, it was the looks they gave each other, or certain comments they made that always gave it away.

"sksksks what??!"

rocky laughed at tyler's comment causing tyler to laugh as well. they both sat and talked to each other for a while, until their voices died down and a comfortable silence was made.

they were only left to look at each other.

but tyler stopped making eye contact to think, he was thinking about how one of the officers said that there was a day where you could visit peoples cells, he decided to not stress and just ask rocky.

"hey rah??"

"yea wassup??"

"is today the day where we can visit each other's cells???"

rakim raised an eyebrow, thinking about the calander.

"yea i believe so!"

tyler shook his head with a smile, he was excited to see jordan and symere, they had planned to go to rocky and tyler's cell since their cell was a complete mess, for multiple reasons.

"alright everyone it's time for open cell!"

that's what they called it, the cells had to stay open incase of any emergency but they could go anywhere they want, as long as they settled down in a cell.

the officer opened all the cells, sitting with his colleagues for discussion. tyler thought about the fact that this wasn't as strict as he first thought, and only if you piss of the officers , they will respond.


symere yelled as he walked into the cell with jordan.

"what up!!"

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