chapter 1: baba grill

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U walk up to the wall becuase u are buying coke but then kokichi pins you and says "hey baba girl" and then ur like OMIGOSH hes so smexy and then u make out and have kids and then ur like "Ooh yassss harder daddyyyy owo" and then he turns into a moaning jenna and says "OoGH" then ur kids walk in and are like "omigosh stop making out we have soccer practice" and then ur like *blushes uwu* ok kids hop in the van we are going to soccer. Then at soccer u see this other smexy guy named Mondo and then ur like "omigosh wanna make out" then after making out u find out that he has 2 D1CKS!!! Ur like "OMIGOSH IM LEAVING U KOKICHI!!!" and he turns brocken and he like "WHY U LEAVING ME CRIES" and ur like take the kids cuz idk how to pay taxes then ur like OMIGOSH I just remembered!! Ishimaru knows how to pay taxes so ur like "OMG MONDO WE SHOULD GET IN A THREESOME WITH ISHIMARU!!" and hes like "yass baba grillll" then all 3 of u make out and then kokichi comes back with a gun and shoots mondo and ishimaru and then starts turning into an uwu cat. then ur kids turn into mini monokumas and start doing tiktok dances cuz there a lil silly willy 

the end 

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