Stop It!

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Erza and Jellal were at a cake shop together. Jellal was pretending to be Mystogan.

They took some cakes and they stopped by a park. 

Of course Erza was already eating a piece of cake and Jellal looked at her. She finished the slice and she felt him staring at her. She started to feel weird but she started to blush. She wanted to keep her mind distracted so she got more cake.... and more cake.... and more.... and more....and more...

He didn't stop looking at her and she just kept eating. Soon there wouldn't be anymore cake to consume and she didn't know what to do. Her heart started to pick up speed and she felt her body heat up. 

Why did he keep looking at her? He finally spoke...

"Erza..." Jellal slowly said.

"Yeah?" Erza said shyly.

"You have a little something on your face." He said motioning to his own cheek. 

Erza stood up with nervousness and stiff movements. "Oh do I!" 

Silence filled the air.

She felt embarrassed and slowly sat down. She took a napkin and tried to clean up her face.

"You missed a spot." Jellal said.

"Oh, did I?" Erza said trying to wipe again.

"Yeah" He said much louder.

She put her head up and tried to look at him...he was right in her sight.

"Right here." He said pulling the mask and kissing her.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2016 ⏰

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