Journey begins

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AN: So at the end of this chapter there is something i made. Ive been working on it for a while but i can finally say its done.

-Story time-

Izuku was sitting on the ground confused by the sudden offer he just received from the number one hero.

All Might: "So what will it be young man?! Will you accept this power or will you continue to live as a quirkless boy?!"

Izuku wiped his eyes and with a smile on his face he accepted the power of thw number one hero.

Izuku: "I will take the power!"

All Might: "Excellent! No hesitation! Just what I expected."

AM: "But for right now you wont be able to handle my quirk. . .my quirk is the combined power of several heros an untrained body will just blow apart from the sheer force of my quirk."

Izuku looked a little dejected by this but deep within his body he knew that he wouldnt get power without having to work for it.

All Might: "Meet me at the beach nearby on monday, we will begin your training then."

Izuku: "B-But the only beach near here is. . . Covered in trash."

All Might: "Exactly, now get going before you parents get worried about you."

Izuku got up from the ground and dusted of his body. As he passed by All Might Izuku left a large hand pat his back in a coach like manner that lifted Izuku's spirits to a new height.

Darting off back home with a pep in his step Izuku was now feeling high on life.

Once Izuku got home he was met with his mother just cleaning up the table from dinner.

Inko: "Oh, well if it isn't Izuku."

Izuku let out a nervous laugh

Inko: "Did you have fun today?"

Izuku: "Well before I say something wrong how much do you actually know?"

Inko pointed to the television

On the screen was a news woman standing infront of the smoldering alley Izuku was in not long ago.

Izuku assimed the worst and immediate bowed down and asked his mom for forgiveness

Izuku: "I'm sorry mom, I seen Bakugou being held captive by a villian and before I knew it I was already rushing into the fight. . ."

Inko: *sighing* "let me see your arms"

Izuku got up off the floor and rolled up his sleeves shoving Inko the practically uninjured arms. The only think that shows there was even any damage there was a nloody bandage.

Inko: "What happened to the wounds?!"

Izuku let out a soft laugh

Izuku: "I don't really know either. I know the villian hit me and im positive that I bled. . . But when the nurse lady took off the bandages she out on me the wounds were all gone."

Inko: *in her head* 'Is. . . Is this normal for Izuku's kind?. . . '

Inko unraveled both the arms and threw the bandages into the trash. Moving at a more rapid pace than she normally did. Gathering up trash and bagging it all together to go out.

Inko: "Izuku honey could you please take this out for me?"

Izuku: "U-Um. . .sure? Are you okay mom?"

Inko let out a nervous giggle and ushered Izuku to the door.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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