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Right now Taeha and her friends were standing in front of Taeha's future husband James at the University main gate. Well and James was looking at those five girls in a 'r u crazy' mood. Actually anyone who saw those five will think like that because in the middle of three bratty looking girls there was only Lia and Taeha who looks like innocent girls. Even if James knew about them very well he also got confused seeing those five together! But he some how managed to talk to his love like nothing happened thanks to his long time experience of being a rude CEO.

"Hi baby!"
James came to Taeha, just to take one of her small and soft handa between his hands and placed a lingering kiss on that delicate knuckles.

"H-hi O-oppa"
Taeha blushed at her finance's sudden gesture in front of her friends but some how managed to let out those two words.

"Ahm ahm the lover couple, we are also hear"
Yuna, who was standing just behind them fake cough at the couple along with the other three girls.

"Oh hey little miss"
James just greeted them like nothing happened but still Taeha was a blushing mess from the previous incident so she just stood quiet next to her fiance.

"Hi Mr. Fiance of our Taeha, It's nice that finally we got to see your handsome face"
Next Bahiyyih said along with her twin sister.

"Oh thanks for the compliment I guess and can you please introduce yourselves to me, I mean I'm just curious"
James just speak out casually while rounding his hand around Taeha's petite waist. The said girl flinched when her clothed body get to contact with her soon-to-be husband.

"Ohh hi actually I'm Bahiyyih, this is my twin sister Yuna and this is Lily and Lia! We are Taeha's best friends along with our woochanie, who unfortunately left early today"
After seeing James's actions with Taeha Bahiyyih introduced themselves while rolling her eyes nonstop towards embraced Taeha.

"Ah nice to meet y'all girls. I hope you will take care of my love in the University"
James said while showing his going crazy smile to those girls who smirked at their loving friend Taeha.

"Oh we will Mr. Zhao, after all she's our friend! So Don't worry about that!"
Lily passed a fake innocent smile towards James who accepted it like who knows nothing about them.

"Ok then excuse us you girls, we need to go home now as I think my baby is tired from all those University works. So bye"
James smiled at Taeha honestly who just looked away without looking at him.

"Yeah yeah you can go, bye Mr. Zhao and bye bye buddyy"
All four girls shouted at them so Taeha also mumbled a little good bye for her friends.

"Baby, sit down"
After reaching to the car James opened the passenger seat door for Taeha who just sat down without even looking at him. James just sight and went to the other side to sat down in the driving seat and drove towards the Zhao mansion.

"Oppa, where's the driver? Why are you driving the car today?"
Just like the curious girl she is Taeha asked from James who just smiled at her before answering.

"Baby I want us to spend some time together, so that's why I came to pick up you alone. You know that we can't have our private space with the driver right!"

"For God's sake oppa what's all of these!?!? Those loving gestures, private spaces and all? Why are you doing all of them? Both of us know that you don't love me, so why are you pretending all those? I HATE THIS OPPA, SO PLEASE JUST STOP THIS!"
After she heard James Taeha shouted with tears decorating her shining doe eyes. She had enough of them and she can't take any more of them so that's why she just let her emotions flow.

Seeing those pearl like tears in Taeha's eyes James unable to take it anymore. So he stopped the car by the road side and took her soft hands into his strong and large ones.

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