Chapter One (Sakura's POV)

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Warning! This chapter contains sexually explicit content! Reader discretion is advised


This was it: The League of Villains. I was officially inducted into the League after serving as a sidekick (more like an intern) for the past two months. They'd given me only two months to decide. Any longer and they'd kill me; any shorter and they'd have trouble trusting me. After all, I was Ryukyu's younger sister (only by five years). She was number nine in the Pro Hero lineup, but that life was never for me. I never understood the point of registering your Quirk and having to have a license to use it in public. It's all so fucking stupid. That's why I never pursued 'heroing,' or whatever you can call it. There are too many rules, too much worrying about your public image, and too many people shitting on you for trying to be good. I don't know how my sister managed to do it. Especially with our inherited Quirk: turning into a motherfucking dragon. I was lucky enough to get both of our parents' Quirks: turning into a monster and being able to breathe fire on top of that (which, frankly, should've been included in the dragon package). While my mom wasn't some big-shot hero like Endeavor, she was able to save us bills by using her Quirk for heat. My parents wanted me to be like my sister and try to go Pro, but I never wanted that. I flunked out of UA on purpose and ran away after burning bridges with my family; I was living out on my own for years up until now... up until I met him.

He was the real reason I was joining the League of Villains. I'd been watching Dabi on the news for months, and every time he never ceases to amaze me. There was something about that blue inferno that was absolutely irresistible; my own fire didn't hold a candle to its strength. When I heard he was advocating for recruits for the League, I had to see for myself. These past two months I basically served as his wing woman, from being the distraction during chaos and his partner during stakeouts to helping everyone flee the crime scene quickly and safely. While I wasn't an entirely big fan of slaughtering innocents, I agreed with his and Stain's philosophy. The victims weren't innocent at all. People get away with shit too easily; there were never any real heroes, other than what I've heard about that green-haired kid. I was 70% sure I was going to be accepted into the League, at least the way things were going. I absolutely hated Shigaraki (his dusty hands were so creepy ), but I got along pretty well with everyone else. Especially Dabi, considering we were always headbanging together in the car whenever we spied on UA. To be honest, I could never tell if he was flirting with me on missions or if that was just his personality. He always talked to me in a different tone than the others, and his face always had a shadow of a smile on it whenever I saw him in my peripheral vision as I fought. Every once in a while I felt like I caught him staring at me, but he always played dumb and got all angry and dismissive. Although Toga keeps insisting that he likes me, I believe her perception of "liking" someone is too fucked up to be sure. Plus, I mean, I know I've had a crush on him or whatever for a while, but he's only known me for a few months. There's no way someone can get feelings for ME that fast... not when I'm the ugly sibling that can turn into a giant badass man-eating creature.

I'd been sleeping on the dirty, old couch across from the bar since I was merely a trainee (basically a pledge for a frat), and, practically every night, Dabi and I would have to stop Toga from sneaking in and drinking all the Fireball at three in the morning. That bitch can't handle her alcohol at all; she turns into a total woo girl within minutes of doing shots. The LAST thing Shigaraki wants to hear is a loud teenage girl crying about some green-haired kid and her broken heart at the crack of dawn. While he definitely freaks me out, I have enough faith in the other League members that I feel safe. Twice is annoying sometimes, but, most of the time, he's just a sad child with split personality disorder. 50% of the time, the League of Villains is really the League of Trauma and Daddy Issues.

FIREPROOF: BOOK ONETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon