Who a r e you?? (2)

16 4 0

Before we start, one of my friends, _LavenderAmethyst_, recommended a name for the reader's cat!

So their name....

Will be.....

P U S S Y !

Yup! That's their name! Pussy! (Pls Wattpad don't block this story-- :'))

Anyways--onto the story!


1st POV

I quickly jumped off the couch, also making sure Pussy wasn't hurt in the process--before I started ferociously brushing my teeth. I think my gums started to bleed aswell--But that doesn't matter! 

Today is my, B I R T H D A Y ! That's right. My birthday!

I'm turning 16, so that's fun! Yay--

But for real though!

 I'm really excited!

 That's why, today, I will work extra hard!! Just to buy a cake! The--the rent? Yeah! The rent, yeah, I'll save money for it later. But today is about me! Not the rent. And besides, I always needed to treat myself better. So what's the perfect day to do that other than this day?

I then plopped the toothbrush in the toothbrush holder--that makes sense, right?

Anyways, after I did that, I did a quick Naruto run to my room and looked under my bed. I then reached my hands under there as I quickly pulled out a cardboard box, that was slightly creaking open.

I flung it open fully, as I began to barge through it, trying to find my perfect outfit for today.

Yes, I use a cardboard box as my closet. No, I never even used my closet once because it was literally broken in half. Don't ask me how. I don't know. It was like that when I arrived here.

As I continued to rampage through the poor worn-out box, I heard a small meow from behind me. 

I looked to see Pussy, cat-walking towards me again.

"Hello Pussy!! How are you? I'm great! Today's my birthday!! Did you know that? That's why I'm trying to find a perfect outfit, but...I can't."

I sat down on the floor, defeated as my hands were clamped with useless outfits I didn't need. Then, Pussy came over to the box, as I glared at them, as my mood was completely ruined already.

"See Pussy?? I don't have any nice outfits for today..my mood is immeasurable, and my day is ruined." I muttered as I flopped onto my bed, and silently screamed into one of my pillows.

I began to hear some crinkling noises and clothing noises--wait, what are clothing noises?

Anyways, I heard those stuff, and I bet Pussy was doing something they weren't supposed to.

So I  reluctantly got up from my depressing state, as I stared at the messily set up cardboard box, and found Pussy tugging on a leather fabric that was not coming out of the box, mostly because of Pussy's small size.

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