The Monster, the Hero, and the Fool

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The monster, the hero, and the fool
All went out today.
All for fun and adventure,
And one to save the day.

The monster wanted to make a friend
One that smiles and cheers.
Instead he was met with sorrow
From ones that are reminded of fears.

The Hero wanted to meet a princess,
One that he can save.
One that would see him ride to sunset
And wish him well with a wave.

The Fool he wanted everything
The order it mattered not.
He tried for more and more
And nothing is what he got.

Each man they tried to get
Something they could not keep.
It kept them all awake at night
Not a one of them could sleep.

They tried again in the morning
One day they will see it works
They will laugh in the faces of them
Their doubters. Those jerks.

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