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"Legally , you can't drive. " he said. "Nobody will know" she says as she pulled in at a seemingly complex structure. "You like some specific type of pizza?" she asked, "Anything is fine." he answered. "Do you want some chicken or veg ones?" she asked. " I swear if you say anything is fine again, I'll literally whack you upside down. " she continued. "Non-veg?" he says not quite sure about his decision. "Better" she says as she heads on to order as he stood there awkwardly.

"Why are you standing , when you can sit and wait?" she asks taking a seat in the sitting arena. "I was just thinking why your mom would let you go out with an unknown boy who popped out of nowhere in the middle of the night. Not to be rude but that's a bit out of character." he says sitting across her as well.

"Well, because she trusts my choices now. I was really bullied a lot and didn't have many friends either because my dad was too strict and wouldn't let me hang out with literally anybody. And well last year when my mum's genetic diseases started acting up. She felt like she should have enjoyed her life. Well we don't know for sure whether I'll inherit those diseases but, she doesn't want me to regret like she does. So she lets me out every time dad's not home. " Alesha said.

" But, still you're a small girl. What if somebody took you away or harmed you?" he asks. "Don't underestimate me. My dad hated the fact that I was weak and told me to strengthen myself up. I've learned Taekwondo since I was like 8 years old." she answers. "Your dad. Why is he like that?" he asks. "Well it's justifiable. My dad's dad, my grandpa passed away when my dad and his siblings were small. Being the second eldest son amongst four brothers and one sister, he had no option other than struggling. His elder brother was rather naïve, so he had to take up a lot upon himself. Supporting everybody and doing it all on his own. Failure wasn't even an option. He toughens us up so, that if we ever go through the same situation, we don't go through a mental strain and give up or something. There were moments where he loved and pampered me too. " she explains. "But, what if that situation never arises?" he asks. "Then we know we're lucky and move on" she shrugs as she gets up to take their order. "Let's go?" she asks a moment later with a plastic bag full of food. "Whatever you say" he says as she smiles.

They take up a little ride and she stops near a small bridge like structure and tells me to look around. I see a little lake on my right and small shapes and structures distorted by the darkness on my left. "This is the Lonavala dam." she says as Jungkook clicks pictures. "Stand here" she says pointing at a railing. He does as told and she clicks pictures of him. "Perfect" she says. "C'mon we've got a lot of exploring to do" she says starting her vehicle again as he takes his seat. " Where to next?" he asks. "Lions point " she answers. "Are there actually lions there?" he asks. "Nope. It's named that way because, it's associated with a club called Lions club, Lonavala" she says with a laugh. She quickly grabs her phone from her pocket and starts tapping away. "Hey , you do realize you're speeding and typing? I don't want to die young" he says.

A few moments later music starts playing. And now Jungkook knows what she was doing. Calming him down. Getting rid of the awkward silence between them as well. "BST was fun" she yells over the music. "It was fun to go along with" he yells back. She pulls over and points at a huge gate and says," This is a an army base." she says pointing at the structure. "Naval army" she adds. "That's why the no- drone zone?" he asks as she nodded speeding up again. "It's beautiful in the daytime." she says. "Too bad, we've only got nigh time" he pouts. "Exactly why I brought you here, it's famous for night time sky viewing as well. " she says with a smile. "That's not bad either." he says.

She soon pulls over , grabs the plastic bag and heads on as Jungkook followed her. "Let's sit here" she said pointing at a shaded place with rectangular wooden benches to sit on. She sat cross-legged on it as Jungkook let his legs dangle in the air. "You don't react like normal people do" he comments. "How was I expected to react?" she asks back as she opened up a box of pizza and hands it to him as she rushes to open up the add on's as well. She hands him a bottle of coke as well. "I don't know. Maybe yell like, Oh my god Jungkook! Oppa" he said as he imitated a fake high lady screech. "Nope. not my type" she says. "Then at least something like can I take a picture with you?" he says out of curiosity. "If you heard my internal fangirl screaming, you'd be deaf by now" she smirked. "I'd like to go deaf rather than a stifling silence" he pouts. "Eat up, cheese burst is fun when eaten hot." she says pushing the box closer to him. "Cheese burst?" he asks picking up a slice. "It's crust is filled with cheese" she answers. "Delicious" he says taking another bite.

They sat there star gazing and adding a few jokes every now and then. The silence wasn't as stifling as before now. "Pictures?" she asks as he nods. He poses a few times before pulling over for a selfie full of weird faces. A few moments later the silence was interrupted by a lot of vehicles pulling over and loud music accompanied by a bunch of equally loud kids.

Alesha seemed to know them with the look on her face. "Hey isn't that Alesha's scooter?" one of them yelled. "Shit" she muttered. "What's wrong?" Jungkook asked. "I didn't go with them because I didn't want to go. I told them my dad's home." she says. "Why didn't you want to go?" he asks. "Because they invite me to go with them but, I feel left out of conversations" she explains quickly thrashing the empty boxes and bottles. "What do we do now?" he asks. "I'm pretty sure that they're probably calling me right now. " she answers and as if on cue her phone buzzes. She silences it but, it was too late. Two boys came over yelling, "Alesha!"

"bUSTED" she mutters. "You said your dad was home!" one of them yelled. "And you're here with a boy?!" the other yelled. "Guys! chill that's my cousin." she yells as I decide to go along with the act. "Yeah a cousin that's seemingly well built" another mutters coming up from behind the other two and scanning Jungkook. "Stop it Aarav." she says glaring back at the boy. A bunch of girls and boys stood by their side as well. "Guys this is my cousin. He came to visit us. My dad let us go out under the pretense of getting to show him around since he's going away tomorrow." she explained. "Yeah and you couldn't bring your cousin with us?" one of the girls shot. "No because he's shy around strangers." she shot right back. " What's his name? " aarav asked suspiciously eyeing Jungkook. "Timothy" Jungkook said as he waved. "His name is Timothy?" one of the girls said sarcastically. "He was born and bred in England" Alesha said. "You sure?" one of the boys asked.

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