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"Be honest though. You guys do have a train to catch right? " Taehyung asked as Alesha nodded. "Don't let us stop you. Go ahead. " Taehyung said with a smile. "This won't be the last time we talk. I promise" Namjoon comforted.

"How? "Meera trailed off. "We'll make sure we do. Just go ahead " Damn you Alesha" Khyati mumbled under her breath. "What did I say about cursing? " Meera said sternly. "So sorry" Khyati said in a not very apologetic tone. "That that... " Alesha warned. "Okay fine. I'm sorry. Just shush it up" Khyati fumbled.

"Yoongi stan? " Jin asked. "Not really. " "Definitely " Alesha and Khyati answered simultaneously. "Hold up is she the one...? "Hoseok asked as Alesha nodded. "That that I like that"Hoseok said with a suggestive smirk.

"Why do you have secrets with my best friend? "Jungkook huffed. "Jelly" Meera and Jimin spoke out together and looked at each other and yelled a "Sike"

"Doesn't answer my question " Jungkook pouted as the rest internally cooed at him. "Hoseok was bored and he was like tell me a story and I was like what genre and he was like romance so,  I told him a story. That's all" Alesha defended.

"But,  what is the story? " Namjoon asked. "Absolutely nothing." Khyati covered up. Obviously something " Bushra said in a very-matter-of-the-fact-way. "Is it a crush? " Taehyung asked quite observant of the rapid blush spreading across her face.

"Is it Yoongi? " Jimin asked turning the spotlight to Yoongi who held a mouthful of a bite and a confused look over his face. "Nah. It would make even her look like a pedo with the look he is holding " Jungkook shuffled off.

"Yes. Exactly. Yoongi is my ultimate bias" Khyati agreed instantly. "That's Taehyung. V. If I remember correctly? "Hoseok rectified. "Damn you adorable ball of sunshine " Khyati cursed silently earning three hits,  all launched by her friends.

"A crush outside of BTS while being an ARMY? " Jin questioned. "Too confident  now are we? " Alesha asked as he turned to look at her unable to process what she said. "Damn you have every right to be" Alesha sighed as Namjoon chuckled.

"So we'll catch you another time? " Alesha said getting up. "We still have time" Bushra whined. "Yeah but,  Meera will get an attack if I step over it so yeah. We better get going if we want to reach on time" Alesha reminded earning frustrated grunts as the girls got up. "You know your way back right? " Alesha asked as the boys nodded.

"The treats mine and give me a call if you need my help" Alesha said as the girls bid their farewell to the members with quite a bit of ado.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2022 ⏰

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