Chapter 1 - Dragon

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When the vampires attacked, the other Harpies and I weren't expecting it. I'd been out by the coast, on the cliff's edge, wings extended to catch the breeze. I remember being pushed from the ledge, never seeing who or what had thrown me off. The fall had disoriented me enough that I couldn't catch any air, and when I spread my wings, they scraped against the cliffside. I don't like to think about the pain from the fall. It was agonizing, and if I were given the option to relive that moment, I think I'd rather die.

Another Harpy found me, but I don't remember who it was. They dragged me to relative safety, but by then, the vampires had already gotten us. They swarmed our island, the vampires. They killed several people and made us watch while they drained them of their blood. They put the rest of us in chains. I shuddered at the memory of cold metal. My wrists still bore faint bruising from where the manacles dug into my skin.

I shook myself from the memories. I was headed home. I should be grateful. I lived, after all.

My wings still weren't fully healed. I tried to not think about the lifeless way they dragged behind me. I wouldn't fly for a long time. I already missed the feeling of the wind beneath me, the way my stomach would somersault when I did a particularly challenging dive. It was freedom. Now I was just some bird in a cage.

My treehouse had a rope ladder that I rarely used, but I was grateful for it now. If Nathan, one of the island caretakers, saw the weak way I struggled up the ladder, he'd probably order me back to his house. He'd claim I wasn't fully healed, would force me into the cellar again where they'd wrap me in more bandages and treat me like an infant. I knew they meant well, only wanted to see me fully healed, but I couldn't stand any more of it. It was suffocating.

I was a little too absurdly proud of making it up the ladder by myself. Even though I was panting and a little sweaty by the time I managed to reach my front porch.

My treehouse was my pride and joy. I built it in the tallest tree near the cliffside, near where the other Harpies mostly built their nests. It was a few miles away, but when my wings were in top shape, the flight was easy. I wasn't really a seabird kind of guy. I preferred forests and tall trees, and while the other Harpies seemed supportive, I could tell it was weird for them. I was just...different. Maybe that was why they all gave me a wide berth.

The treehouse was the size of a small cabin, made of oak planks and reliably sturdy. I had almost everything I needed in it. When the cistern on my roof ran out, I often had to go to the creek for fresh water and bathing, but that didn't happen often. I hadn't thought about how much of a chore that would be now. I'd have to adapt, but I survived this long. I could figure it out. I'd use the water supply sparingly until I was fully healed. It wouldn't be too bad.

I opened my door, eager to throw myself down onto my nest, exhaustion already tugging at my eyes. I could feel some of my feathers dragging along the floor, collecting dirt and dust, but I didn't care enough. I'd take care of them later.

But as I opened the door to my home, I stopped dead in my tracks at the appearance of stark red eyes. With a shout, I leaped back. They were back. The vampires! I could see their sharp teeth, the pearly fangs that would drip with saliva. Gravity pulled at me, and I tipped over the edge, my body headed straight for the hard earth below.

The red eyes rushed out at me, and a wide hand reached for me. Snagged by the front of my shirt, I stopped midair. Breathing heavily, I knew my eyes were wide, bug-eyed, and my arms were windmilling wildly. A man was hovering above me. No. Not a man. A dragon.

I recognized him, thankfully. His name was Anderson, and he was the brother of the island's resident dragon shifter. He had a shaved head, but I was willing to bet that his hair would be the same dark black as his brother's. His red eyes were bright like rubies reflecting the sun. His mouth, which was unfairly attractive really, was folded into a stern frown.

The Bird on the Ground (M/M Romance) Monster Island: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now