Chapter 31

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Almost 500 reads!! Thank you so much Dakusha!! If you don't understand what is happening in the book,you may never understand. My mom told me it was a complex story so ask me anything you don't understand! Now, let's see what happened to our poor Jygoku!

You felt that someone placed a mask on your face. Hearing the hiss of the sleeping gaz, you artificially felt in deep sleep.

As you woke up, you felt very tired. Looking around, you saw that you weren't in the same room. You heard banging at the door. It's just at this moment you saw three nurses around you. Your head didn't hurt anymore.



You practicly couldn't talk. The nurses ran to open the door. It was your teacher, mummy-looking like.You smiled at this view. should rest...

-Think more about you. You can barely talk.DAMN! You got me too worried to sleep.


-I thought i failed protecting you. Your heart stopped three times during the surgery.THREE TIMES!

-Sir, i am in the need to ask you to stop screaming. Other patients are trying to get some rest.

The nurse got out, to come back a few minutes after. Your teacher felt asleep on the chair he was sitting on. The nurse had medicine in her hand.

-Miss, please take your medication.

-Is there my...mental medication too...? For the psycoattacks...?

-Yes miss.

-Call me Jygoku..." Miss" make me feel old...

-Ok. Try to get some sleep after please.

-Of course...i feel like i didn't sleep for days...

-Only one.

You took your medicine as the nurse went to take care of the other pacients. You followed the nurse's advice. You felt that someone was playing with your hair. You were too fast asleep to wake up, but you were sure that it wasn't your sensei. The hand was too femenine. And a bit rough. Like if acid had been in contact with it on a daily basis.

-..Mina! Let her sleep!

-But...i like playing with her hair Jirou!

-Ugh. Don't tell me i didn't warn you if she wakes up.

-mhmmmm...I like it when you play with my hair too...Just don't disolve my hair with yout quirk...

-I told you you would wake her up!

-No...I woke up by myself...But where is Aisawa?

-He came?!

-Well...yeah...he was too worried to sleep...According to what he said me , my heart stopped three times during the surgery...So he came to see how i was doing. I wonder why my mom isn't here...

Jirou and Mina looked at each other, Then looked back at your confused face.

-Oh...Jygoku...I think your brother should tell you that...He is right there, waiting for us to tell him he can go in. I'm happy you're alright.

-Don't change subject Mina. I know you don't like others to be hurt. Tell me what happened to my mom.

-She told you Katsuki would tell you. Are you okay? Your head still hurts?

-Well, one, yes i'm perfectly fine, and two, no my head doesn't hurt anymore. 

-Can you walk?

-I don't know. Let me try. And don't think i forgot. Promise me that my brothe will tell me what happened to mom.

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