Chapter 40

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I'm soo sorry, my internet is sooooooo bad rn..



-You're gonna comme back with us!

You bit his hand and he let go. 

-OW! It hurts!

-It's made to hurt.

You avtivated your Angel quirk and flew out of the hole.

-I'm back! Mineta's down there.

-Down where?

He had used his own quirk to climb up. He threw some of his 'hair' at all of you and Denki, Momo and Jirou got sticked to a wall. The others  weren't even touched by the balls. You whispered to your friends to call some pro heroes, and Ochaco, Tsu and Iida went to ask for help to the pros.

-You were raised to be a villain! YOU WERE BORN TO BE ONE!! You can't change the future...

-Oh, and my mother is the queen of united kingdom.

-You don't trust me right? Because why would a ''future hero'' trust a villain?

-I WILL be a hero! The best of all!!

-No. You don't understand .YOU CAN'T BE A HERO!!! Join us. You'll be at the side you were born for.

-I was never born to be a villain.

The pro heroes arrived and Mineta ran away. You were still perturbated by what he just said to you. The next day you went to the tumb of your parents and told them everything, then asked if it was true. You recieved no answer of course. Still asked thought.

-Uhm..You're okay?

-Huh? Oh..uhm yeah..

-No you're not. Is it because of what Mineta said yesterday?


-You can tell us everything, you know that, right?

-Yeah..You're right it's because of what he said.

-It's true it perturbated me too..

-Almost everything do Pikatchu.

-You lost the right to call me like that.



-Then you lost the right to call me any nickname too.

-What noo!


You continued arguing, Kirishima watching you, and you forgot everything about the previous day. Eventually, the winter vacations finished, and you all got back to training.

-Faster! In only one month you'll be doing the-

-Yess we already know father! You've told us that around a thousand times!

In a month, you were going to do the exam to be partially heroes. You were going to be the youngest ones to do it. One year younger. You'll be allowed to do heroes actions, but not as much as pro heroes of course. And it was only until you'll have the permanent one. Maybe not though...Aizawa didn't explain that.

-Uhm- Aizawa sensei?

-What problem child?

-Wha..? Anyways, Katsuki needs a new wall, and i can't find Cementoss anywhere..

-Why would he need a new wall?

-He broke it in tiny pieces.


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