Chapter 6

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Cold, harsh and spine-chilling air hit my skinny and pale arms as soon as I attempted to open up my heavy eyelids. I squinted once the faint light coming from my window met my tired vision. As cold as my surroundings, I felt a disturbingly alarming emptiness deep within the pits of my stomach. It's not even because of hunger, no. I shuffled under my wrinkled, beige sheets, searching for that certain warmth from that particular person in mind. Much to my dismay, I found myself alone in my bedroom, crazily craving for his warmth.

For an hour or so, I tossed and turned, trying so hard with the cocoon of blankets to block out the bleak breeze in my room. I've checked my dull window a couple of times, as if it, somehow, magically opened while I wasn't looking at it and letting the harsh cold to enter. It wasn't open, though. It never opened by itself, of course. With rattling bones and goosebumps creeping through my skin, I peeled off my comforting shields of sheets and walked my way towards the bathroom.

For a moment or two, I stared myself from the fairly large and misty mirror, taking in the features that stood in front of me. Dark bags under my eyes, a couple of zits scattering in different places of my pale face, stubble peeking from my chin down near my Adam's apple, greasy and unpleasant looking hair. I kept on listing down flaws after flaws after flaws, the imaginary list growing longer by the minutes that I stood there with a blank and impassive expression sprawled across my face.

I shook my head, trying to wag away the eerie and idle trance that I've managed to crawl myself in to. I lazily turned the faucet, cupping an ample amount of the cold liquid on my shaky palms and splashed it against my face, doing it a couple more times until I felt slightly satisfied.

Somehow, I felt kind of off that morning. Something felt off. It was as if my body was moving on its own- against my mind's own will. I was contemplating whether to jump right back to bed but that thought suddenly went out the window as I felt and heard my stomach grumble. I didn't even bother on checking the time anymore because I was more than sure that I overslept. Maybe going to bed with Vic's arms lovingly tangled around my waist helped in lulling me to a deeper sleep. Anyways, I was in no place of complaining. I needed the long sleep, I thought.

I was about to step foot on the first step of the cold, wooden plank of the stairs when my mind was abruptly shaken up by loud and vicious yelling and clanking of various pots and pans coming from the kitchen.

"You're too busy with your god damn work! That's why he did that to himself!" My mother's piercingly high voice echoed throughout the once peaceful house. I tightly closed my eyes the second I saw a saucepan flying from the kitchen to the living room, landing on a glass ornament that was sitting on a dusty bookshelf on the far left corner near the TV.

"Oh, so it's actually my fault that I'm working my ass off for this stupid family?!" My dad retorted, causing a painful stab-like feeling to hit my chest. I was so confused. What ever lead to this harsh argument between my parents? They never fought like this. Ever. Also, why are they here? They were supposed to be at work by now.

My legs were carefully yet briskly dragging me down the stairs but I put myself into a harsh halt once I heard those alarming words vehemently swimming through the thick tension of our home.

"If you actually paid enough attention to our son, he wouldn't have done this to himself!" My mother spat. By that very moment, I was a shaking mess, stuck on my place. I wanted to run down the couple more remaining steps of the stairs and to ask them what the hell they were talking about but somehow, I couldn't. I couldn't pull my pathetic self together and just go there and find out. My mind was pulsating in pain and I felt my heart thumping against my chest, as if begging for an exit. Beads after beads of sweat were prickling my forehead, sliding down to the bridge of my nose and to my flushed cheeks. What the hell is happening?

"You can't expect me to work on a damned construction site and babysit a teenager at the same time! It's hard enough for me to go home without a bruise or some sort of a scratch from that place!" My dad shouted right back which cause a sudden rush of blood to cruise up to my head. I was feeling nauseous and nothing made sense! I didn't know what the heck they were trying to tell each other but not a single word was making any sense! Without so much thought put in to it, I ran my way back up stairs and to my sister's room, knocking on the door like there was no tomorrow.

"Kailey!" I managed to choke out through my unstable sobs. I was knocking with so much force on the old wood that I felt pain on my fingers' bones and yet, I didn't care. The skin of my fingers were turning red because of the violent contact against the hard surface but I didn't stop. Although I was well aware that Kailey doesn't like it whenever people open up her door without her permission, I decided to just give it a go and turn the fading golden knob, swinging the door powerfully causing it to bang against the wall. "Kailey?" I repeated to no one since her room was obviously empty. I ran towards her bed, to her closet, to her computer table- anywhere; as if she would magically appear there due to my presence. Her room was completely empty and neat- as if someone hasn't been there for months.

My eyebrows knitted together in pure confusion and frustration. I tried to tightly close my eyes in the attempts of shaking away everything that didn't make an ounce of sense. I dropped to the dusty, carpeted floor, burying my face to my shaky and sweaty palms. My fingers were unconsciously tugging at my hair, begging for the pain to snap me right back to reality. Unstable and coherent sobs were sliding from my throat and to my mouth, making it harder for me to breathe the much needed air of my wilting lungs. I was crying so much and my head felt like it was being squeezed tightly. My eyes were clouded with the tears that were threatening to slide down to my soaked cheeks. I was in such a frustrated and confused state and I didn't know what to do. Suddenly though, Vic popped up to my thoughts. With the amount of remaining energy raging in my body, I pushed myself off from the dusty place and hurried back to my own room.

I hastily grabbed my phone from the messy mountain of sheets that I left on my bed and scrolled down to my contacts, looking for his name. It took me maybe a few seconds to finally realize that I've just been scrolling up and down, seeing the few names in my contact list but Vic's name wasn't there. I was really starting to panic. What do I do? What the hell should I freaking do? My entire body was convulsing as I dropped my phone to the ground together with my limp self collapsing next to it as if I was some decaying leaf landing on a front porch at six am.

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