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Narrator Pov:

"Children, don't worry, your screen isn't broken. Soon, there will be plenty of action to soak in. So don't look away. Stay focused and rapt, because our friends Guy, E.B and Y/n have just been kidnapped!"

Your pov:

As the bags were lifted from my face I gasped I reaptedly blinked my eyes 'cause of the sudden shine of light I now see the kidnappers "All right, cough it up! Who are you? And how long have you been working with the Yooks?" The kidnapper said 'yooks?... where have I heard that name before.. hmm..' I thought " What? We're not working with anyone." Guy said " There's no point in lying about it. Everything you say is being monitored by my lie detector, Jeremy." The kidnapper introduced us to her 'lie detector' a small little purple guy hop-ed onto the table anyway I think its actors just acting Jeremy snarled and growled at me, E.B and her step dad 'jeremy' got his glasses to see clearly obviously..

"We know you're Pam I-am's operatives." The kidnapper lady looked at us "Operatives?! We barely know Pam I-am!" Guy defensely said Jeremy got real close to guy.. and I mean REAL close Jeremy kept 'mhhm mhmhm' -ing it really annoyed me then he took out a note/sketch book and starting writing something guy tired to look at what he was writing but he failed I dont know what he wrote but the kidnapper seemed surprised then turn her back on us "then what were you doing in East Flubria, huh?" She asked "we were looking for... uh, uhm..." guy paused and looked at both me and E.B "Pam I-am?" Guy continued "A-Ha!" The kidnapper pointed at guy like he murdered somebody "No! She's our friends mom. We just met her yesterday. We tracked her down using her signature green eggs and ham recipe." E.B hop-ed next to her dad.. oh sorry 'step' dad "Ah, the old 'friends mom with a signature recipe' excuse. Think I've never heard that one before, kid?" The kidnapper leaned down to E.Bs face "If you really are a kid! This child mask is incredible." She just kept touching E.Bs face I'm glad I wasn't included in this "thank you?" E.B said " Oh, we'll get it off... somehow." She walked away from E.B and came to me "and you! What mask of beauty are you wearing?!" She pointed at me "m-me..?" I finally spoke "Yes, you! Are you wearing a mask of beauty?" She came closer to me face "no? I don't wear masks..." I looked at her weirdly
She grabbed my face with her whole hand "uhm.. personal space?...please..?" I asked nicely "okay" she let me go and turned around before realizing "I MEAN- .. NO I AM NOT GOING TO RESPECT YOUR PERSONAL SPACE!" She turned around and slammed the table 'Oh fuck I messed up big time I mean oh frickledoodles I messed up big time' I was inches away from her angry face until...

She leaned back and put on a rubber glove...? She laughed like a maniac

Anyway I decided to sleep thru the 'interrogation' and dreamt about the Yooks prince...*inhale-exhale* he's so... just... wow... I like him don't I?

I was dreaming about the prince- I MEAN day dreaming about... some... cotton candy?..

While I was PEACEFULLY sleeping until I heard the kidnapper say "thus mask is on pretty tight." I woke up only finding the kidnapper squeezing E.Bs face then guy came infront of E.B "It's not a mask!" Guy said defending E.B if I wasn't confused them I am confused now guy went back next to E.B "We're gonna need the saw!" The kidnapper sighed E.B gasped "She's a kid!" Guy yelled E.B looked at guy like 'what?' Guy looked back at E.B "She's my kid, and neither of us have anything to do with the Yooks or Pam I-am." Guy looked back to the kidnapper while E.B smiled "You're lying!" She got a saw now.. she got a saw?...SHE GOT A SAW!

I yelled and gasped at the same time don't ask how E.B gasped out of fear "I swear I'm telling the truth!" Guy yelled also out of fear "We'll see about that." The kidnapper turned around and called for Jeremy the little guy came and jump on the table again and he got  really close to guy again not as the same as he did before after he finished checking out guys eyeballs he wrote something on his notes meanwhile the kidnapper just laughed like a manic thr kidnapper was walking towards us we all yelled waiting for Jeremy to kinda help us out

All of a sudden we heard Jeremy clear his throat the kidnapper stopped laughing like a maniac just to look at the pesky little purple goblin Jeremy looked happy kinda-of showing the kidnapper the thing he wrote the kidnapper looked surprised "oh wow!" She chuckles 'oh no its something bad I knew it that's why that purple goblin was all giggly and shit' "turns out you were telling the truth." She paused E.B, me and guy all looked at eachother clueless "in that case..." she let the saw lay infront of me... she looked at Jeremy and pointed at the closed curtain Jeremy ran to the closed curtain and opened it viewing a beautiful view there was beautiful castle and ontop of the castle was a rainbow so pretty it would kill you in a instant then I saw some villages! "Welcome to Zookia." The kidnapper said happily "whoa!" Me and E.B gasped together "whoo! You guys really were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Good thing we rescued you." The kidnapper threw away the saw but still keeping contact with guy and me " You mean kidnapped." Guy spoke up "I think that's a little dramatic." She cleared her throat causing Jeremy to 'unhand' us... PFFT BAHA that was funny! " my names hayzel, and on behalf if the Zookian tourist board/secret police..." she just kept talking Jeremy got our stuff for us with his robotic hands 'hayzel' stopped talking only to realize that a rubber glove was still on her hand she quickly removed it

"We'd like to welcome you to our beautiful country!" She started walking towards the window

"Come on, go ahead. Take a look." She gestures her hand to the window
"I don't wanna take a look. I want answers." Guy said "boy shut up I'm gonna look!" I said getting up from my chair to look outside the window "I wanna take a look." E.B just got up from her chair "No, don't! Close your eyes." Guy put his hands over E.Bs eyes to 'close' them "Seriously?" E.B said

"Now, you "rescued" me, my kid and her friend," Hayzel put her hands together looking guilty "you flew us to a foreign country against our will, we have no idea what we're doing here." While guy was talking E.B came to the window with me and looked outside "I have some questions and I want them answered!" I blocked out their conversation because I didn't care at all

"E.B look!" I pointed at the sign which had a toast and butter on it "where?" E.B looked clueless "here the sign with toast and butter on it" I said when suddenly my stomach grumbled

E.B looked at me with a dead face "Sorry! I guess I'm hungry.." I chuckled a bit "it's fine I'm hungry too" we both laughed until hayzel said something

"You must be thinking of the yooks." Hayzel said "No, the yooks are the good guys. Pam told us all about it." E.B replied to hayzels comment "oh poor girl. You've been brainwashed." Hayzel sounded a bit worried " brainwashed? What do you mean?" Guy looked confused

Hayzel whistled and then the little guy came and told us to shoo then closed the curtains


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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