- reveal -

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"Had a love but we lost it to the flames."
Wildfire - Eric Nam

"What the hell?? Are you actually kicking me out?" I ask, banging my fist on my dorm room.

The door swings open. My roommate, and my former friend, throws a box and a suitcase of my stuff out.

"Does this answer your question?" She glares at me. She looks like a mess.

"Shiyeon are you kidding me right now? You won't even hear what I have to say?" I yell.

"Actions speak louder than words, Daeun." Shiyeon responds. "And you slept with my boyfriend! You expect me to forgive you??"

"I DID NOT SLEEP WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND" I nearly rip my hair out of frustration. "H-he f-"

"I don't want to hear it." She opens the door wider to reveal the culprit himself standing there. "My baby would never betray me."

He looks at me with a smug smile. A disgusting smile.

I scoff, telling myself to take the high road with both of them. "Shiyeon, I hope you know that it takes two to cheat. So even though I did nothing, consider what your boyfriend was doing that night in our room."

She furrows her eyebrows at me and pulls her boyfriend closer.

"And you." I meet eyes with the boy standing next to her. "Fuck off."

Shiyeon slams the door in my face and I groan.

Great. What am I gonna do now?

College was uneventful up until about two weeks ago when all of this started. All I want is to focus on school. I don't need drama right now, I need a place to live!

I pace around the common room and dial my boyfriend. After three rings he doesn't pick up and instead I call my favorite emergency friend, Jia.

"I'm screwed." I say as soon as she picks up.

Jia didn't end up going to university and instead pursued her dreams of becoming an influencer.

I respect her for that. Not that I don't like school, but it's times like this where I really hate being a student with no parents.

"Daeun what happened?" She asks.

"She threw me out!!" I run my hand through my hair.

"Shiyeon?? That bitch!" She yells. "You know I warned you she might do that. She's the petty type who'll never see the world for how it is. You can stay with Hyeonjoong and i if you want."

I hear Jia's boyfriend say in the background: "who are you inviting to our house?"

"That's okay," I say. "I just will have to look for a place last minute. And on top of that, it's just so frustrating that she's not realizing the truth. She doesn't understand anything! Nothing I say gets through her. And she's still stuck with that awful boyfriend of hers."

"It's so sweet that you're worried about her. But worry about yourself for now hm? Shiyeon is a grown adult now. She can make her own decisions and deal with those consequences. Don't waste your time on her, worry about where you're gonna stay!" Jia advises.

"Oh my god. Jia this is so bad! I still have school and I don't have money to pay for rent! What am I gonna do??" It finally settles in how bad of a situation this is.

"Okay okay. Just breathe, I'm going to get off this call to mass search online for people in need of a roommate at your college." Jia says.

"Thanks." I say, and we hang up.

roommate (two faced sequel)Where stories live. Discover now