- break your rules -

376 16 12

"Tried so hard to be everything that you liked, just for you to say you're not the compliment type."
- enough for you, Olivia Rodrigo

The next week I busy myself with school and studying in hopes that it will go by fast. Sunwoo and I allow ourselves to be friends at school-- occasionally walking from class together and back to the house. I notice how girls stare at him down the hallways, and how he sometimes gets random dms on instagram. Many people even approach him, seemingly wanting to be friends, or more.

But Sunwoo doesn't pay any mind to them. To be honest, he's not even that polite to strangers. It's almost like how he used to be to me when we were in high school. But for some reason it's a little comforting knowing he's still the same two-faced person he is. And I don't know why.

Friday comes soon enough, and two hours before the time Marcus and I agreed to meet, I start getting ready.

Putting my shoes on, Sunwoo walks down the stairs to get dinner.

"You have a date?" he asks.

"I sure do." I tell him.

"Hm. Have fun then," he says dryly.

"Thanks. I will," I say, and he walks off. I shake my head and call a cab to the bar we planned to go to.

When I arrive, he's not here yet, so I grab a seat and scroll through my phone. After ten minutes I text him. I wait and wait, watching the people around me. I feel like a loner, sitting here alone while other couples and groups of friends drink and talk around me. I probably look ridiculous.


I tilt my head back, the cold drink running down my throat. I place the glass cup onto the wooden bar, tapping my fingernails against the surface.

For the 50th time I check my phone.

1 hour. It's been an hour since we agreed to meet.

I feel stupid, sitting here alone in a skin tight black dress I bought wondering if it would make a difference to Marcus. Asking myself if he'd look up from his phone or his book if maybe I just looked more to his appeal. But he's not even here.

All I want to hear from him, just once, 'you look nice.'

'you look good today, Daeun'

'I missed you.'

I rest my chin in my hand, closing my eyes for a second and letting myself breathe in the faint smell of cigars and alcohol.

Is this really what I deserve?

I hear footsteps and someone sitting in the leather stool next to me. But I don't open my eyes.

"What she's having, please." The familiar voice speaks.

"shit."I mutter under my breath, facing my head the other way as not to look at him.

"Thanks." Sunwoo nods to the bartender.

I finally bring myself to face him in all my embarrassment. And Sunwoo knows this, and I hate that he knows what he's doing to me.

Sunwoo opens his mouth to say something and closes it again.

"Don't even." I stop him. "you don't have to tell me. I know. He didn't show up again. I'm just here, alone, waiting for someone who disappoints me again and again."

"..." Sunwoo looks away from me and circles his finger around the rim of the glass. "I was going to say, you look nice."

My lips part and my eyes brim with tears.

roommate (two faced sequel)Where stories live. Discover now