New beginings: "new city"

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<This is literally my first time doing this so please be nice>
NB: some words may be in vernacular but translations are available in brackets.

#certain words rated 16


Hi, my name is Anastasia Johnson and I'm "the new girl". I'm just a typical 18 year old and the first child in my family, a few months older than the second born. I recently moved to Cape Town in the Western Cape with my beautiful brown skinned mother, Elizabeth Johnson. She has long black hair and hazel brown eyes fringed with long lashes. We also live with Justin "JJ" Johnson, my 12 year old joke star brother who likes to act 18 years old or even older. He is also blessed with hazel brown eyes just like my mother and is a bit muscular; he takes that from my dad. Lastly, the problem son, the schools most popular boy and the one that always need 'bailing out of trouble', my 17 year old brother, Nicholas 'Nick' Johnson. He's basically the jerk really, nothing much to say except he likes keeping his hair gelled and that his room is a pigsty.



''WELCOME TO WESTERN CAPE'', I read the writing on the blue billboard written boldly in white italics as I look out the window. I take a deep breath enduring everything that has happened. It is late at night, the streets are empty, skies are dark with only light from the bright moon. Winds are blowing hard, trees harshly moving sideways, streetlights are twitching leaving us depending only on the car lights for light.
Finally after 12 whole hours of being trapped in the car with my annoying siblings and my mom listening to her boring RnB music, we have arrived in our new 'not so home-like' home.
I step outside and as my feet touch the ground, I feel a cold little breeze down my spine, *shivers*. "HOME SWEET HOME KIDS," says my mom as she walks towards the glass designer door with a finishing touch of a crystal door knob. "YOUR HOME, NOT OURS," replies angry Nick and storms into the house with his luggage in his hands and goes upstairs to pick a room. "IM HUNGRY," says Justin who's already sitting on the grey kitchen counter watching me and mom coming in and out with boxes in our hands. "THAT'S ALL YOU KNOW JUSTIN, FOOD", I reply and as I roll my eyes and I accidently trip on one of the boxes on the floor. "HEY, BE CAREFUL MISSY, THAT'S MY STUFF YOU HOLDING,'' says angry Nick as he walks down the stairs barefoot with no shirt on. "WELL IF YOU CARED ABOUT YOUR THINGS SO MUCH AND DIDN'T WANT ANYTHING TO HAPPEN TO THEM YOU COULD'VE PUT THEM IN YOURSELF," I respond and bang the box on the table. "DON'T YOU DARE BANG MY STUFF ANNA, I DIDN'T ASK YOU TO BRING THEM IN FOR ME, I WAS ALREADY DOING THAT" he shouts at me "DON'T YOU SHOUT AT ME NICK, INSTEAD YOU SHOULD BE THANKING ME," I shout back. "THANK YOU? FOR WHAT HUH, BREAKING MY STUFF?" asks Nick, sarcastically "OH YOU DON'T KNOW, WELL MAYBE FOR BRINGING IN YOUR STINKY BELONGINGS," I reply, raging in anger. "I DID NOT ASK YOU TO, I COULD'VE DONE THAT MYSELF YOU KNOW," he says, provoking me to hit him with this pink empty vase in front of me. "AS IF YOU WOULD, WE BOTH KNOW YOU NOTHING BUT A LAZY ASS PIG WHO..." I get cut off by mom who is clearly pissed by us.
"WOULD YOU TWO JUST SHUT UP FOR A MINUTE," shouts mom "BUT MOM ITS..." says Nick trying to create some lie like he always does. "I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT NICK, I COULD HEAR YOU TWO BICKERING LIKE 10 YEAR OLDS FROM OUTSIDE AND IM PRETTY SURE THE NEIGHBOURS HEARD YOU TOO!" shouts mom and tears start forming in her eyes "WE'VE BEEN HERE FOR TWO MINUTES AND YOU ALREADY ON EACH OTHERS THROATS. I ALREADY HAVE A LOT ON MY PLATE AND THE LAST THING I WANNA DO IS DEAL WITH YOUR CHILDISHNESS," she says as the tears begin rolling down her eyes, ruining her mascara. "MATURE UP YOU TWO, ESPECIALLY YOU ANNA,'' says mom as she walks up the stairs.

"NICE ONE YOU TWO, NOW MOM IS UPSET," says deflated looking Justin who leaves the kitchen and goes upstairs as well. "WELL... GOODNIGHT I GUESS, BUT JUST TO CLEAR THE AIR, THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT" says Nick. "YEAH OFCOURSE IT IS, I'LL JUST GO LOCK MOMS CAR AND GO TO BED TOO, GOODNIGHT."

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