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First chapter WOOO
First Person PoV
[Peter Parker]

I'm tired of everything.

I have no family. No friends. No one to help me.

I have no purpose to serve.

This world didn't need me to begin with. They have other heros.

So, here I stand. A noose around my neck, ready to kick over the stool.

And I do. The rope tightens around my neck, cutting off my air. My vision becomes blurry, my head feels like it's going to explode.

And I pass out.


I slowly open my eyes and look around. A hospital.

I didn't succeed.

I look down at my bandaged arms and frown. The doors open and a doctor walks in.

"Oh, Mister Parker! Good to see you're finally awake. We thought you'd never wake up," they say.

I look up at them. "How did I get here? Who found me?"

"Your aunt found you. Good thing she found you when she did... Any later and you'd be a goner."

Why did May save me?

"Oh," is all I say.

The doctor rambles on about something. A treatment, I guess. I'll be staying at the hospital under suicide watch until I'm better.


I'd been released from the hospital yesterday.. May never came to visit in my time of being there.

She's making me go back to school tomorrow. Honestly, I'd rather that than having to stay with her.

This is a hell hole and I can't climb out of it.


I wake up early today, in hopes of getting out of the house before May wakes up.

Currently, it's 4:49 AM and I'm tired as shit. I push through it and take a shower, then I throw on some clothes and a jacket. I grab my backpack and phone, then I leave the apartment.

I take my time walking to school, skipping the subway. At this time in the morning, not very many people are out and about. It's slightly chilly, but the breeze is calming.

By the time I reach the school, it's 6:00 AM. About another hour before the doors open up. I sit on the stairs and power on my phone, looking to see if I have any notifications. There's a news article about something in my area happening that was recommended to me a week ago, but I ignore it, not very interested in any events.

I go to Tumblr and scroll through posts. #Spidey stuff. I stumble across what people are calling 'IronSpider', a ship between me—or, well, Spider-Man—and Iron Man. I get curious and look for more ships of Spidey and the Avengers. People are very... creative... I decide to look at something else after feeling like I've just put a curse on myself or something.

I lose myself to Tumblr and by the time I dig myself out, the school doors are opening. I sigh in relief and stand up, rushing inside. Other students that I didn't even know were here also run inside. I immediately go to the cafeteria and get some coffee and a donut for breakfast since I got a little money (I'mma run amuck).

I sit at a table in the corner of the room, eating quietly and trying my best to not fall sleep.

More and more people file into the room and eventually, the first bell rings, signalling that the first class is gonna start soon. I stand up and throw away my trash, then I walk out into the hallway to get my stuff from my locker.

DREAMING? [Peter Parker]Where stories live. Discover now