Chapter 6:

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Previously on Starcraft: Stranded 4 dead

Lacus nod "Yes, i have and you It appears you have notice that my Husband hasn't have a Word yet did you?" Said Lacus

"Yes, i notice it that i haven't have a Word for him in a Few hours i know that he is going to Arrive Tomorrow, but i could not stop a Feeling that he Might have gone something again" Said Valerian

"Well, from what Reports i have Heard from one of our Admirals he is said to be Drugged by a Vortex just like every time he is Drugged to another Galaxy" Said Lacus

Valerian Sight and Rub his Head "Oh dear it appears that he is going to be Late in the Meeting" Said Valerian

"Don't worry i'm still here you know, i will be the Representative of the Terran Federation and my husband have a Full Confidence and Trust in me, you have already know it don't you Valerian" Said Lacus

"Yes, i did" said Valerian "As soon as he could not arrived in our intended Schedule then we will start without him"

"Then i understand it, i would Ready myself for the Upcoming Meeting" Said Lacus

"Then at least he is lucky that you are already here Lady Lacus" Said Valerian with a smile "I Will leave you for now Lacus" With it he Leave her as she Resumed to looked back at the Sky



left 4 dead Galaxy

"Finally we have arrive" Said Ronan as he looked at the Bunkers that are Guarding the Entrance along with a tall wall that Preventing the Zombies to Enter, as Evident as there is already Thousands of Zombies Littered on the Ground Including the Special Infected both are torn and Burn to ashes

"There so many are dead" Said Francis as he Cover his Mouth at the Burn stench of the dead zombies

"Indeed, they're Defenses was likely Built for a Large Horde Like this" Said Bill as he Notice their Defenses "Whatever they face they must have fought an even Stronger Horde if this is just some simple sight here to them"

The Gates Slid Opened

"alright People take some Small Sight of the Futuristic Civilization" Said Ronan as they Entered




"Indeed, they're Defenses was likely Built for a Large Horde Like this" Said Bill as he Notice their Defenses "Whatever they face they must have fought an even Stronger Horde if this is just some simple sight here to them"

The Gates Slid Opened

"alright People take some Small Sight of the Futuristic Civilization" Said Ronan as they Entered

The Survivors along with the Terrans Entered through the Walls, that are Protecting the Base, as Terran Marines and Reapers above the Walls keep Watching for any Possible Zombie Attacks to their Base

The base was quite small by the standards of the Terrans, since they have Deploy it in the Middle of the City, it's Purpose was to Purge the Zombies, nothing more, this is why they are More Prepared for the Zombies to attack them

"Phew, They're way too Advance for our Current Technology" Said Bill as they walk

"You are right for that Bill, i don't think the Current Most Powerful Military in the world could even able to inflict Damage to this Base" said Zoe

Starcraft: Stranded 4 deadDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora