Chapter 8: last Chapter

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Previously on Starcraft: Stranded 4 dead

"Simple i Needed a Ship With Enough Power that can Destroy an entire Fleet and could go to War on it's Own if it has to, and along with that it can Be my Mobile Base of Operation for any theater of War and because of that i Upgrade it with top of the Line Terran Technology and it would continue to do as it also known to be a Perfect to have a Weapons Testing

and it din't cause me a Fortune it fact i could build more if i want to, but it would be Time Consuming so i could only Build few while Building more Smaller ships to have a Similar Role" Said Ronan

"You must be Rich then" Said Louis

Ronan Chuckled at that "You have no Idea" Said Ronan with a smile


Scene Change

"It's Ready" Said the Marine Col as he looked at the Loud Speaker

"This would be a Killzone Col" Said the LT

"Indeed, though let us Hope we don't Resort to Nukes" Said the Col as the Loudspeaker are Activated that could be heard to the Entire City, though they have Different Smaller Bases that they have set up along with the Outside where they can Reinforce quickly as soon as all the Zombies have Run to their Direction it would be too Loud for them to even Notice to their Rear

"It's show time boys" Said the Col with a smirk




Ronan Entered though the Bridge along with the Survivors who are still looked in Awe at the Interior of the Ship especially of how Advance and Futuristic it is despite they have been there for at least an Hour they have yet to be Bored as they are being Escorted and Tour around by Ronan around his Ship and Explaining the Wonders of Humanity would do in the Future and not only that it's Horrors as well that which din't surprise Them especially to the Veteran

"This is One big Bridge" Said Francis as they are Glance their Surrounding as the Crew din't even Looked at them as they are busy of their Work

""Well it looks bigger than my House" Said Bill as he looked at the Terran Marine Guard Standing Sentinel in the Door that they have Walk in as they are Watching Intensely and Dutilly at the Bridge and the Crew "And not to Mention it still has Rooms to Spare" he added

"At least you People would now Witness of how Futuristic Military are Conduct in our Times" Said Ronan

"You Mean you would Show us how you People would Conduct Warfare in your Time?" Bill stated as he Puff his Smoke

"Of course, and how Far humanity would Go in Length not just for Peace but also For War" Said Ronan with a Smirk as the Screen Appeared before them "looked here" He said as he Pointed at the Screen where his Soldiers have Prepared Defensive Position around the City where Zombies would attack them in their Most Massive Numbers including the Special Infecteds and to Better Reduce their Number, he had Done Before Every Urban Battle against the Zerg there is always have a Random  Chances of Success Rate because of how Zergs could Easily Replace their Numbers

Before Ronan could speak Further, the Door Slid Opened with it a New Person Entered, it was Large Figure, the Survivors Turned to the New Comer only for them to gasp at it, they could Hear Thud at the Heavy Footsteps not Quite like the Marines that they have heard when they are in their CMC Armor this Time It made them all looked like Tiny Even the Marauders and Firebat in their Larger and Heavier Armor looked Small Compared to the New Comer

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