**✿❀ Chapter Four ❀✿**

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I trudged through the thick snow and shivered as snowflakes hit my face. It's my third day of hunting, a big net full of animal carcasses dragged behind me.

I took the time by myself to think about my life, which only made me more depressed.

I thought about how Norman and Emma had each other. Sure, they still hang out with me, but now that we're teenagers with hormones, they started spending a lot more time together. Honestly, I envied it. The one girl I thought I'd have a life with is...


'Y/n's dead...'

I remember how she loved to gaze at the sky.

I remember how her h/c hair swayed in the breeze.

I remember how her voice swept peacefully through the room.

I remember how her body swayed as she played the piano.

I remember how she smiled as she said goodbye to her siblings.

I remember resting my head against her.

I remember her warmth.

I remember her.

'Damn it...'

I quickly used my gloves hands to run my eyes before frost could stick to my cheeks from the tears that desperately wanted to fall. To calm myself down, I began to quietly sing as walked.

"A secret place for me and you
Where every day is fun and new."

The night I planned on killing myself, Emma stopped me by playing Y/n's farewell song on a tape recorder Y/n had given her before she left. Emma told me that Y/n said to play it when I was about to do something reckless.

"A simple time played in our heads
We'll tell this story again."

I smiled as I remembered Emma's words.

"She wrote that song for you, Ray! She was telling you to live! Don't you dare leave yet before seeing her again! And then, you can tell her your feelings!"

After that, Emma gave me the tape recorder. I would listen to the song whenever I was sad or had a hard time sleeping.

I would dream about her nearly every night. Each dream was either about us growing up together, or about her dying. My mind would fill in the void and picture her grown up and mature. She would sing to me in my dreams, wishing and blessing me with a peaceful sleep.

"A jet stream shoots across the sky
It's just so bright we stare wide eyed."

I smiled at the memory of us sneaking out at night to lay on the hill. Y/n was so excited to see a shooting star that night. I told her to make a wish.

'I wonder what it was...'

I never realized how desperately I wanted her back until I saw Norman with Emma.

I couldn't go sleep with Y/n when I couldn't sleep.

I couldn't lay my head on her lap.

I couldn't share my favorite books with her.

I couldn't have with her what Norman and Emma have.

The Melody of Grace Field (Ray x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now