Letting Go

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I like to think that I have actually forgiven the terrible person who allowed me to go through the situation that I went through. However, that sentence that one sentence has shown me that I have not forgiven her like I hoped and prayed I had. So this is me letting things go I am trying to better myself, find love, and go back to school. I cannot do those things if I have hate in my heart. I am letting go of the hate I can no longer go about my day and my life with it in my heart. I am free of her, from my past, from the fear of everything in that part of my life. It almost feels like it is a completely different part of my life. When I remember things about the years I went through I feel like a completely different person I feel like I am the scared fearful child who tried protecting herself all the time because I didn't have anyone until my Momma. She has shown me how to be a person how to love and how to accept God and His plans. That woman has made me the woman I am today. I love her more than she will ever know. That woman is my Mother, my Momma, my Mom, the woman I remember calling Mommy. I think I am ready to take the next step in God's plan for me and my life. I am going back to school to become a therapist for children who have gone through a trauma and aren't sure how to handle that, how to get through it, and how to live life with acceptance. My goal is to teach them so they don't have to learn the hard way. 

Thank you from a sister to all,


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