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"Y/n?!" Peck called, taking off his shoe's at the front door. 'It's 10 pm, and she's still gaming'He scolded you in his head as he opened the door to reveal you sleeping in Taehoon's lap while he's playing Genshin Impact on  your computer.

"Did you knock her out?"
" Why the fuck would I do that, she just fell asleep"
"In your lap? How cute, y'all are dating after two games"
" You want me to send your ass to the ER?" Taehoon threatened making Peck approach you guy's with both hands up. "  love the  thought of  the offer but, No" He said, taking you up bridal style.

" Now to get her up to her room" Peck walked through the door, "Are you her..brother?" Peck turn around to look at Taehoon with a  faint laugh " Nah, but common sense should tell you that, look's like some people do actually lack  common sense in this day and age, it's always the pretty ones too" He said with a smirk making Taehoon give him the scariest death glare that he'd had ever seen in his life.

"Let me just put her upstairs and we can have a game or two?"
"Do whatever you want, I'm leaving" Taehoon said getting up and walking out  through the door. " Wow, that's a very good way to convince me that your not together, very good indeed " Peck said to himself as he heard Taehun lock the door.

"Y/n you heav—y bitch" Peck cursed, painfully trying his best to carry your sleeping body  up the stairs; he  then tucked you in and turned on your night light, he'd always asked why you slept with it but you'd  just say it  'protects you'  like your still a child at your ancient age, well not really ancient but you get the point.


" Peck! Come and take up your shitty underwear " you called from downstairs only to hear a " I don't wear dirty funky smelling underwear, because I'm the product of pure elegance " he spoke walking down the stairs slowly as you fought the urge to throw it at him.

" Then why can't they elegantly go into the washing basket?" You asked him; arm's crossed, your foot tapping against the floor with an serious attitude , he just brushed off the question with an "I don't know" walking towards the bathroom.

You sighed rubbing your temple, sometimes your can't bother with Peck's ' middle school kid' behavior sometimes, it's fun then the next time it's annoying.  You went your favorite palace, The kitchen, to boil water for you and Peck's cup noodle's because you both couldn't bother to buy or make something. Laziness runs in the family but never out.

Taking up the the small pot, washing it then pouring the water into it, then smoothly placing it onto the stove; when the water was finally hot you took it out and poured it into the white plastic container that held the chicken seasoned noodles. " Peck, come on let's eat !" You called him, he walked into the room yawning, taking a seat beside of you while grabbing his share. " You look like shit" you muttered under your breath, taking the fork and bringing the noodles to your lips, " Oh my dear sweet y/n ,We both know I'm hotter than shit" Peck said with  pure confidence, with the early afternoon sunlight lighting up his amber colored hair.

" Want me to comb that for you?" You asked while you both ate,
"If you want, go ahead" Peck said, "Ok then" you smiled to yourself.
" By the way, how's it with you and your little boyfriend?" Peck asked as you spoke calmly, " who?, Taehoon?, We're not dating but what I've heard he's good" you said as you saw Peck point a finger towards you.

" Who told you I was even talking about him?"
"Common sense, Why else would you ask?, last time I checked you lacked something in that department"

"Oh shut up Peck and go get yourself some bitches" you rolled your eyes as he did the same laughing loudly, A typical best friend dynamic, next thing you know you'd be asking him to make you sleep on his chest. Even though you might argue here and there, you do love him like how you'd love your brother, and maybe even think of him as a brother.



Peck's a oc for the  fanfic, and isn't actually part of the viral hit series so don't get confused, I'm also thinking about turning this into something with horror/ thriller but I don't know maybe I'll stay wholesome—if I feel like it —shinichiroslxt<3

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