Part 1

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Jordan Pov
I was laying awake,on my bed at home staring at my bedroom ceiling.
I lean over to grab my phone. I see a text from Dean.
'Are you awake mini Bishop' it read. 'Yes what's up Miller' I replied ' Can you come over please Vic is at my house beaten up and passing back and fourth.' he answers back. 'On my way' I replied.
I get up and look at the clock it is only 6:30am. 'What the hell.'I think to myself
I get dressed in a station 19 sweatshirt and blue jeans. Then I walk out of my bedroom slamming the door as I went.
"Jordan are you okay?" Mom asked (Maya is mom, Andy is Mama)
I don't answer and walk out the front door slamming that as I went also.
I get in my truck and pull out of the drive way.
10 mins later I pull up to Dean's boat house.
'Knock knock' I knock on the door and then walk straight in. I go in and see Vic passing. I walk up and grab her, and bring her in for a hug.
"What happened Vic?" I ask
"I was with this guy last night on a tinder date he seamed like a nice guy Jordan he he.... beat me and umm raped me."Vic answers.
"It's okay I got you I'm not going anywhere, but I need to take you into the hospital to make sure you are okay." I say
Vic nods her head.
"I'm going to carry you to my truck is that okay." I ask
Vic whispers yes it okay.
"Dean, tell the team me and Vic aren't coming in today. Don't tell them what happened with Vic. Say that it personal." I say
"Okay, but what about your moms?" Dean ask
"Umm I will deal with them but we have to go now." I say
I carry Vic to my truck and put her in the passenger seat. We then drive to Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital. 15 mins later we arrive at the hospital.
"Are you ready to do this?" I ask
"Ready as I ever will be." Vic say
We hop out and walk into the ER.
"Sit here I will be right back"
I see Dr. Bailey.
"Bailey!" I shout across the ER.
She turns around.
"Jordan what are you doing here?" She asks
I walk over to her and pull here over closer to Vic.
"I need you to have some do a rape kit on Vic. She was raped and beaten last night" I answer and move over so she can see Vic.
Bailey looks speechless. I grab Vic and go back to Bailey.
"Follow me." Bailey says.
We follow her into a special trauma room just for victims of rape and other things.
"I will be sending and Jo Wilson and Carina Deluca in. They been though this themselves so we have them do this usually. I can do if you want me to Vic." Bailey says
"No Bailey I will have them do it please." Vic answers
"Okay I will go get them then."Bailey says and leaves.
"Jordan can you stay please." Vic says
I give her a sad smile and say "I'm not going anywhere. You are coming home with me after this." I answer

Vic Pov
It's been around 20 mins since Bailey left to get Dr Wilson and Deluca.
'Knock knock' one of them knocks and both walk into the room.
They are both wearing pink scrubs and one has long brown hair and the other short brown hair.
The one with long hair says "hi I'm doctor Carina Deluca and this is Jo Wilson. We are here to do your rape kit."
"I know this is not easy and I see that you brought a friend with." Jo says
"Yes I did bring a friend. Her name is Jordan. Jordan was the one to actually bring me in. Cause I honestly didn't want to." I answer her
"I brought you in Vic because I love you and want this guy that did this is going to be put away for a long time. I know you didn't want to come no one does. I was a rape victim when I was in the fire academy. I didn't do anything and my moms don't know that I'm a victim. So I want to catch the person how did it to you." Jordan answers in tears.
"Okay wow I never knew that." I say
"No one dose besides you and the docs in the room now."
"We are going to start now." Carina says
She does her thing and she is done in about a hour.
"Okay all done now you want to talk to the police cause we called them in." Jo says
"Yes please send them in." I say
"Okay we will go get them." Jo says and they leave the room.

Jordan Herrera Bishop Where stories live. Discover now