33. Cake By The Ocean

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Waves of sapphire hues as wide as the eyes can see, sunny skies trickling your sweaty skin. The pearls on the ground are silky between your toes as footprints follow your every step as your soles hit the grainy texture.

One hand carrying an icy beverage and the other, a shirtless man's hand, tangling with yours, teasing you in the scorching heat.

Unable to decide which will quench your thirst first, you take a gulp of the sparkling beverage, then steal a kiss from the glistening man next to you.

"Let's go swim." He doesn't give you a chance to respond, not that he ever does, as he lifts you off the ground, running towards the ocean.

"Tsumu!" You gasp as you feel the icy water hit your toes. "No, don't you dare!" You clutch onto his shoulders.

The shocking sensation of submerging in the salty water cooled your burning skin. "I'm sorry, baby." He laughs at your drenched body. His laughter, mixed with your giggles, surrounds you in the vast open ocean and sandy beach.

When you woke this morning, the cloudy skies followed your path to work. Rain trickled your umbrella as your footsteps splashed the concrete floor. And now, no cloud in sight, only the breathtaking view, and an even more breathtaking Atsumu.

Surely this must be a dream.


"So it's not gonna be easy, it's gonna be really hard. And we're gonna have to work at this every day..."

"Pass the tissues." You sniffled.

"What the fuck is wrong with you two?" Lev walked into the customerless coffee shop. The summer rain kept the shop steady for most of the day. And when the thunder rolled in, all the customers fled. So the two of you sat around the sofa, crying into the pillows.

"They're in love!" Saeko sniffled.

"Weirdos." Lev rolled his eyes, immediately regretting listening to Saeko in getting a TV for the shop.

Romance movies always have that gut-wrenching reaction to how much the two main characters love each other. No matter how much you tell yourself it's cringe, it always makes your feel emotional watching it.

"You've been crying." The voice said as soon as they entered the shop. Large hands grab hold of your cheeks, caressing the redness on your skin, "What's wrong?" The slight twitch in his eyebrow filled with concern. It surprised you that he noticed the slight redness in your eyes...almost made you well up again in his grasp.

"Oh, it's nothing. We were watching a movie, and I got a little emotional." You smiled at him, wrapping your arms around his body. "It's nice to see you, Tsumu."

"Well dry your tears, baby, because I'm here to whisk you away." He smiled, pecking your lips as you looked at him with confusion. "I'm not taking no for an answer either." Latching onto your hand—all that way to first class.

On the drive to where you are staying, a path filled with blooming flowers and palm trees and a floral shirt employee greets you as they open the doors. You don't doubt Atsumu stays in luxury hotels, but this resort was not what you were imagining. "You are sure this is a business trip?" You question him as you see the glistening water fountain in the middle of the lobby.

"Yes." He laughs at your dumbfounded expression. "The owner and I are close to a business deal, so I'd thought you'd want to see what I'll be purchasing."

Because of your intel about the Inarizaki, you often forget that Atsumu is a legit businessman, a good one at that. Buying and investing in property takes skill. And then adding a criminal organization on top of that, the tangled web of what is legal properly and laundering fronts, goes far beyond your pay grade, Suguru's too.

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