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I hate being poor,
because i can't be generous to others.

Our family's been poor since i was born.

It made me hanging out with my friends more and more uncomfortable.

As a young girl, i was quitely hurt.

But it was okay.

It was okay because I had something precious to protect.

That's why I decided to act nonchalant and be self-centered.

There's no person that allows me to escape from reality.

At times when I desperately need some comfort away from reality.

I have no one.

I've always thought that my dream was to live an average, normal life.

But maybe that wasn't what i wanted.

Maybe I just never had a choice at the first place.

And when I open my eyes again...
reality struck me harder than ever before..

... as if mocking me for having dared to dream.

Reality had me in its grasp.

So.. I distance myself to others
because i lived in different reality,
it's because my reality was pathetic.

Life alone was too much burden for me.

To be honest..
To be completely honest..

I was afraid that they eventually notice my inferiority complex.

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