Chapter: 2 Plan

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Hello Welcome back, Here's part 2.

How ya day been I?, did this chapter at school.

This is my 4th fav song idk if you have listen to it.

Well anyways enjoy!


Himari POV -

I had got up and walked to my backpack and took out my wallet, and walked back to Tanjiro."You should rest first. You are injured ." I winked at him and said. He looked puzzled, but nodded in respond.

I walked over to Eiko and said "Eiko-chan, can you help me to take care of my wallet for awhile?"

Eiko POV -

Himari the new students, asked me to take care of her wallet. I quickly nodded. "Haha, I can frame Kamando for stealing her wallet. Then she would not trust Him anymore." I thought "How brilliant am I!"

Himari POV -

After handing over my wallet to that brat,I left, leaving Tanjiro resting.

When she got back to the Classroom...

Himari POV -

I saw Eiko coming back pretending to cry.

"Himari-san! I was talking with my friends, when your wallet suddenly D-dissapered! I-i am so S-sorry." And that had the whole class attention and walked over to Eiko and hugged her to calm her down.

"It's Ok Eiko-chan. How about we check everyone's school bag to see if anyone has it." I said with a pretend smile.

I looked at Eiko and she had looked up and wiped her fake tears and said "Y-yeah that will be a G-good Idea."

Then she walked over to Tanjiro desk ."Like always." I said in my mind, Rolling my eyes.

Tanjiro's POV -

I woke up from my sleep and saw Eiko and Himari in front of my desk and everyone surrounding me. I was confused, but lifted my head and waited for someone to talk.

"May I check your school bag, Tanjiro-Kun!" Said Himari.

I was confused of why I should give her my school bag and said "Why do I have to?"

Eiko Smiled and said "Just handed over, Kamando."

I handed my school bag to Himari and Eiko and said "O-ok, Here."

Eiko POV -

I had grabbed Tanjiro's bag and when I opened it there was nothing!

"What!?, I thought I had put her wallet in his school bag, but its not here anymore." I said in my mind.

"Looks like He doesn't have my wallet!" Himari said interrupting my thoughts.

"H-ha yeah." I said showing a fake smile.

"Where the F*** is that st**** wallet!?. I remember placing it inside his school bag." I said to myself in my thoughts confused.

No Ones POV -

Himari Secretly smiled. Then walked to Eiko Bag and opened it and took out her wallet and showed everyone in the room.

"Oh my Eiko-san... What's my wallet doing in your backpack?" Himari said.

"What...? Why...Why..." Thought Eiko

At this moment Zenitsu, Inoske and Giyyu came.

"Eiko-san!!!!!" Zenitsu said yelling."What happened?, Why are you crying?"

"Zenitsu-kun...Himari-san is accusing me that I stole her wallet...but i didn't...Please believe me..." Eiko cried. "Don't worry Eiko-San, I believe you." Zenitsu said. Then, he had turned to Tanjiro and said "It must have been you! Tanjiro Kamando!"

"You tricked Eiko, so we could give guilt on her." Inoske shouted.

"What!? I did nothing wrong though!" Tanjiro said.

He started to drop tears.

Himari's POV -

I noticed the situation was turning worse.

"Stop!"I defended "Do you have proof that He did, If not the shut the F***Up!"

"Himari-San. I'm so Sorry...but it's not me... I-it's Tanjiro-kun! But i know he didn't mean it,so don't blame him." she said using that angelic voice...ugh... Disgusting to me. I almost vomited.

Tanjiro's POV -

"Don't be so kind Eiko-san. That brat doesn't deserve your kindness." Zenitsu said.

Yes...I was to let Himari to hurt me...

"Tanjiro Kamando, you have framed an Innocent child. Behaving marks will be deducted." said Giyyu coldly.

Why didn't they believe me !? I did nothing wrong...

Later after School

Tanjiro's POV-

Nezuko refused to walk with me again.

"Tanjiro!" I heard someone call my name and turned around and saw Himari. "Bye, I need to go see ya tomorrow. she said walking the other direction.

I was walking alone back home. Until,someone dragged me into a corner.

"Ah!" I feel to the ground and looked up.

It was Muichiro and other students.

"I heard you bullied Eiko-san again." He said and faked a smile. "You should know what's coming for you."

"No...I'm sorry..." I said apologizing

"To late." He grabbed a wooden bat and hit me hard.

"Ahhh!" I screamed.

They kept on hitting me until i was conscious.They left me there laying in my pile of blood. I didn't care.I would be even happy to die.


I didn't...


I lived...


To be continued ....

Word Count -742



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