Chapter 2

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It's been a week since you joined the Kurasano Volleyball Club as a manager. You have quickly established the habit of walking to the gym after school accompanied by Yamaguchi and the quiet Tsukkishima. Everyday, when you arrive to practice, Kiyoko and the boys greet you with a smile. You take notes on what she does during practice and afterwards, you walk home with Hinata and Kageyama.

Even though you walk home daily like you are now, the one who talks to you more is Hinata. Kageyama tends to only interact with him and says some short words to you every once in a while. Right now you are listening to Hinata talk about why he started playing volleyball. "The feeling I get when I play volleyball is like nothing else I've ever felt. It's like a mix of adrenaline and happiness." You and Kageyama nod on either side of him as he continues to ramble on. "Oh, y/n, do you have anything you're passionate about?" You shake your head as he stares at you intently, "Not really. I have a bunch of different hobbies and things I like but I haven't found anything yet that I would like to do for the rest of my life." He nods, though he doesn't understand very well, "That's okay. You'll find something, I'm sure of it. Well, I'm going this way so I'll see you tomorrow morning!" He waves at you both as he semi-jogs away.

Here is the dreaded part of every evening. Since you don't know much about each other and you don't know how to talk about volleyball for 15 minutes, your walks with Kageyama are almost dead silent. Not the comfortable kind of silence, the "cut the awkwardness in the air with a knife" kind of silence. You've tried so hard to make conversation but he almost always answers with a "yes" or a "I don't know" and cuts it short. However, you've been trying to think of different things to talk about so you decide to give one a shot. "So... Kageyama, what do you do for fun?" He glances at you from the side of his eye then continues looking straight forward, "volleyball." Of course, it's volleyball. What else would he possibly think of. "Oh. Well, do you like to do anything else?" His gaze continues forward, "Not really." These short awkward conversations have been happening for a week and you've tried to give him space but this is the worst. "You know, Kageyama, you don't have to be so short with me. We could be friends." He nods but says nothing. You sigh, "Is there any reason that you don't like talking to me?" He shakes his head, "No. Um, this one is your house right?" You look to see that you really are in front of your house. When you turn back around, he's already walking away. "See you tomorrow." You say to him as he waves and continues the path to his house.

You enter your house to see a note from your parents, We'll be back late. Work called us in. Dinner in the fridge. ♡ "Great. Well, at least I still have dinner." You go to the fridge to find some leftover curry and heat it up as you talk to yourself while you attempt to do your homework. "What is Kageyama's problem? He's so weird. Him and Tsukkishima have the same 'I'm not interested' vibe but he can at least talk to me. 15 minutes and all I got was a couple of nods? He didn't even respond when I told him we could be friends. Now I look like an idiot. Ugh." You finish up your dinner while doing homework and head to your room. Maybe, I should go to school earlier and just avoid walking with them till nighttime. That'll save me the embarrassment. You set your alarm for an hour earlier before drifting off to sleep.

The next day you wake up drowsily and drag yourself out of bed. As you prepare for the day, you hear your parents chatting downstairs. You finally join them to eat breakfast and ignore their shocked faces when they see you, "You're up so early?! Are you sick? What's wrong?" You shake your head as you grab the carton of milk and some cereal, "I'm fine. I just have some things I want to get done at school today and I won't have time after because of volleyball practice." They nod, happy to see that your schedule is filling up. After breakfast you make your way outside.

It's such a nice day today, you think to yourself as you watch the sunrise rise higher and higher into the sky. There is no one around and you almost wonder why until you realize it's only 7:30. Ugh, what do I do now? School doesn't start for another hour, I have nothing to do, no one to talk to, and I did all of this to avoid Kageyama. Stupid boy, ruining everything. But what else could I do? I can't deal with talking to myself morning and night. You decide to wander around school and grab yourself a drink from the vending machine. "The school's bigger than I thought, I guess", you whisper through slurps of your drink.

You find your way to the gym and decide to step inside - because what else do you have to do? When you step into the empty gym, it feels familiar. You can almost hear the boys talking, volleyballs slamming on the ground, and sneakers skidding across. You stand at the entrance of the gym and enjoy the feeling of familiarity and appreciation. After taking the moment, you step inside and find yourself in the storage room. I wonder what makes them so volleyball crazy. You decide to grab a ball, since no one is around, and try to do a serve. Yamaguchi doesn't do that crazy jump serve like Kageyama so it can't be that hard right? You hit the ball and it awkwardly hit the top of the net before falling on your side of the court. It's okay, it was your first time trying. You grab the ball one more time and put it in the palm of your hand. You toss it up into the air and as you hit it, you hear a loud "WOW!" and then the sound of your ball pitifully falling in the same place it did before.

You slowly turn to confirm the identity of the voice you just heard and see Hinata smiling at you. "Good morning Jan, I didn't know you came here early to practice in the mornings." Next to him was mildly interested Kageyama, though you weren't completely sure if that was the meaning of his expression. "Oh, no," you blurt out, "I don't play or anything I was just trying something out because I got here early for something completely different." Kageyama begins walking towards the ball you had just held and picks it up. Both you and Hinata stare silently, wondering what he will do next. He walks up to you, "Since no one else here is for morning practice yet, let me teach you a few pointers." It takes everything in you not to stand with your mouth hanging open. I wake up early as hell to avoid Kageyama. Who do I see? Kageyama. Morning practice? You idiot of course they have morning practice they have talked about that before. It only took talking about volleyball to get him interested. Of course. "Sure", you let him teach you his pointers about making serves until the rest of the boys arrive for practice.

The rest of the day drags on fairly slowly. Classes are the same as they always are except you're fighting to stay awake this time. From the seat next to you, Tsukkishima smirks at you struggling to brush off your sleepiness. Lately, during lunch Yamaguchi has forced Tsukkishima or "Tsukki" as he calls him, to sit with you guys every once in a while. Today is one of those days and the usually quiet Tsukkishima asked you why you're so sleepy. You tried to nonchalantly respond with a "I had something to do" but then, of course, Yachi had to ask what that was. Tsukkishima asked "Does it have to do with teaching yourself to play volleyball to impress someone?" You felt your cheeks get hot as you angrily disagreed. "No! I don't know who I would impress anyway. I was just seeing what makes you guys go volleyball crazy." Yamaguchi and Yachi sat there very obviously confused and Tsukkishima just smirked, "Whatever you say." You continued your lunch and talked about anything other than volleyball.

Towards the end of the day, you were absolutely exhausted but dragged yourself to practice. When you finally arrived after changin, everyone was already preparing to get started and Tsukkishima walked up to you. You looked at him semi-confused and then he passed you a small "Mr.Coffee" drink, "You've been basically sleepwalking all day. You won't make it through without coffee." You blink at him, "Thank you." you say but he is already walking away waving over his shoulder. You smile to yourself, thankful that you have something to help through practice. However, what you don't realize is that Kageyama saw the whole thing, and although he doesn't understand it, he feels a negative feeling at the pit of his stomach. He looks between you and Tsukkishima and decides that he doesn't want him near you in the slightest.

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