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??? POV

I make it to the source of the screaming to find freshly made walls.

???: "Those weren't there before."

I walk to the walls. Placing my hand on them they blow apart exposing a hollowed shaft. Looking inside I see a kid, maybe mid teens. I then notice his lack of a left arm and the large puddle of blood under him.

???: "Can't let you go dying just yet."

I reach out for him.

Hajime POV

I faintly open my eyes. I see a shadowy figure. Great, another monster. I then hear it speak.

???: "Can't let go dying just yet."

Yet? Does that mean he's planning on torturing me? Oh well, I doubt I'll survive another minute. He reaches out grabbing my ankle. I can only watch as this figure drags me off to do God knows what to me.

??? POV

I lay the kid on the ground looking him over. Gotta get that bleeding under control. I raise my hand producing a flame in my palm. I grab his nub. The sound of flesh sizzling fills the air. I look at the kid who's not even reacting. After a few seconds I take my hand away.

???: "Now for a little pick me up."

I head to my stash. Shifting through I pick up a Holy Crystal. This puppy is a cure all. It should give him enough strength to at least move. Taking it back I hold it over the kid. I slam my hand through it creating a hole. It's miraculous liquid begins dripping.

???: "Bottoms up."

I angle it above his mouth. Drop after drop his mouth pools the liquid.

Hajime POV

Right when I'm about to finally die I'm suddenly bombarded with energy. Opening my eyes I sit up. It's then I notice a liquid in my mouth. I drink it feeling all of my pain go away. I then look at my savior.

Hajime: "What did you do to me?"

???: "Gave you strength. You'll need to rest now."

Hajime: "Just who the hell are you?"

Kane: "Kane."

Hajime: "Just Kane?"

Kane: *sigh* "Morgan. Kane Morgan."

Hajime: "Hajime. Hajime Nagumo."

Kane POV

I tilt my head.

Kane: "Haji what?"

Hajime: "Hajime."

Kane: "What kind of a name is that?"

Hajime: "It's my name asshole."

Kane: "Is it foreign?"

Hajime: "It's Japanese."

I clench my fists launching myself at Haji whatever he's called. I then begin to strangle him.

Kane: "You fucking Jap! I'll kill you!"

Hajime: *strained* "Why're you... doing this?"

Kane: "You killed a lot of fucking people. And what's worse is that you sided with the worst people in history."

Suddenly a wall separates us. I punch the wall shattering it. I bring my fist back for another attack when the kid raises his hand.

Hajime: "I'm not the enemy. Just give me a second to explain."

Reluctantly I lower my fist.

Kane: "You have ten seconds."

*timeskip presented by Hajime explaining history to Kane*

Kane: "Allow me to get this straight. You mean to tell me that we became friends in the end?"

Hajime: "Pretty much."

I look down.

Kane: "All that fighting, and we end up becoming friends. I knew it was fucking pointless."

I look back at Hajime. His stomach then loudly growls.

Hajime: "I don't take it you've got snacks."

I get up heading to my mini campsite. Going back I hand him a slab of meat.

Kane: "Eat."

Hajime: "What is it?"

Kane: "Your only source of food."

He grabs it staring at it. He then looks at me.

Hajime: "Do I really have to eat this?"

Kane: "If you wanna survive."

He sweats opening his mouth. He takes a single bite. After a few chews he swallows it. Nothing happens at first. He then begins screaming bloody murder.

Hajime: "What's all this pain!?!"

Kane: "Oh just the feeling of your innards being broken down."

Hajime: "Make it stop!!!!"

I hand him the Holy Crystal. He chugs down the dripping liquid. He then thrashes still screaming. He finally passes out ceasing his screaming. I watch his body bulks up and his hair changes color. His eyes open as they too have changed.

Hajime: *groans* "What happened?"

Kane: "You had a slight case of pain but it's over now."

He sits up.

Hajime: "My body feels lighter."

Kane: "That's not the only thing."

I blast a rock with heat making it shiny. Hajime looks at it seeing his new appearance.

 Hajime looks at it seeing his new appearance

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