Death Of The Hydra

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3rd POV

Black lightning crackles over Kane as a same colored circle surrounds him. His hair loses all color becoming a silverly shade of white. Two horns then jut out the sides of his head. He finally opens his eyes to reveal them as blood red.

Kane: "God it feels good to let loose. Whaddaya say we have ourselves a hell of time?"

His voice emits a deep tone with a slight echo. The hydra hisses readying another blast. It fires heading straight for Kane. He only holds out his hand. The attack hits it coming to a dead stop. The hydra yelps in surprise.

Kane: "Is that really the best you've got?"

He waves his arm sending the attack into the ceiling.

Kane: "How about I show you how to deliver a proper attack?"

In the blink of an eye he arrives at the hydra uppercutting its chest. It gets launched into the ceiling. But before it can hit ot Kane grabs its tail swinging it around. The hydra slams into several crystal pillars before being let go. It slams into the wall emitting a pained screech.

*with Yue, her POV*

I've just finished giving Hajime a lot of holy water but he still hasn't woken up. The ground rumbles as I see the hydra hit the wall. It roars running back at Kane. Peeking over I see him effortlessly dodging and counter hitting the hydra deeply hurting it.

Yue: "Amazing. He's smiling when Hajime and I were dodging for our lives. Just how much power does Kane have hidden?"

I continue to stare when Kane punches the white head sending the hydra scooting across the floor.

*with Kane, 3rd POV*

Kane smiles as the hydra roars in anger.

Kane: "Ah what's the matter? Am I hurting you? Well imagine the pain you caused the others."

The hydra roars firing another blast hoping to kill Kane. He displays a bored and slightly annoyed look.

Kane: "When will you learn? That attack ain't gonna work!"

He holds out his hand firing a beam of fire at the attack. It's instantly ripped apart with the fire making contact with the hydra. It screeches in agony as its body in consumed by the flames. Kane lowers his hand to see a badly burnt Hydra.

Kane: "You bore me. Time I put you down for good."

He readies a snap.

Kane: "Flaming sun."

He snaps his fingers. The Hydra bursts into a massive fireball that covers the entire area. The aftershock rips apart the crystal pillars leaving nothing but scorch marks everywhere. When the dust settles Kane pops his neck as his appearance returns to normal.

Kane POV

I walk to Yue to see her holding Hajime.

Kane: "Let's get going."

I throw Hajime on my back as we walk through the door which has now opened. Going inside we see a small building. Getting closer I find a random bed just laying here. I gently lay Hajime down.

Kane: "Stay here with him. Get some sleep while you can."

She nods laying next to him. Meanwhile I walk around the estate.

Kane: "Impressive. Wonder who lived here."

I enter the house and check each room. But for some reason I find all the doors locked.

Kane: "Guess that'll have to wait."

I look down at my clothes.

Kane: "I'm gonna need to change. And take a shower as well. Cause god knows I'm long overdue for one."

*timeskip presented by Kane relaxing in a hot spring*

After a nice shower I head back to the others to find them still sleeping. I then notice it's nighttime. I take a seat in a lawn chair next to the bed. Pretty soon my eyes grow heavy with my body shutting down. But the second I close my eyes hoping to be presented with dreamland I find myself back on earth. More specifically, where I was when my life started going downhill.

A/N: Your abilities are pretty much complete control over fire. Sorry for making the description so short. That's pretty much all you need to know.

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