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"Do you worry about your kids?"

I look at Ender as he drove us to the store. He glanced over at me and I chuckle.

"My kids are strong and highly intelligent. They aren't easily manipulated and I would not be surprised if the eldest heard what she did to me. Knowing Joshua...that will probably cause even more of a rift between them." I murmur, pursing my lips some. "Him and I are close and he understands what Livia is to me. He doesn't like...seeing her take advantage of that."

"Despite her being his mother?" Ender questions in amazement. I nod and he ends up snorting. "Joshua seems like a cool kid."

I frown at his words, but just grin as I face forward. It was odd because they both were close in age. Only six years apart from each was kind of scary in a way.

"He's very...considerate when it comes towards me and the relationship his mother and I share. He knows it's not necessarily real, but his siblings are a little less understanding. I think it's just because they're younger." I lean back against the seat, looking at him softly. "You were six when he was born-."

"Anyway..." Ender chuckles at my words. "Are you...feeling any type of way?"

I look at him, seeing him look nervous and I already knew why.

"I haven't felt any symptoms that would indicate I am pregnant." I tell him, and he nods fast. I could see how stressed he seemed to be about it and I wasn't sure why. I wonder if that was a part of the werewolf instinct.

Being worried or anxious about successful pregnancies, which can be a worry for all people trying at times.

"That's...good and bad. Good because less worry of where to go from here. It is also bad because then that means that's more wait and more stress on if it'll even happen. I'm not used to these kind of reactions, these kind of emotions... It's really off-putting, to say the least." Ender confesses awkwardly, and I snicker. "What's so funny?"

"I knew you were mature for your age, but sometimes I remember you're only twenty." I state, seeing him not look pleased that I'd point that out. "There's nothing wrong with being that young. I wish I was as cool and smart and wise as you are when I was twenty. I wasn't that at all, but to a certain degree. You're much more better than me."

Ender doesn't say anything, and I wonder if my words were too much. Except he just nods in the end and I could see his expression turn kind of...I couldn't describe it. He did look like he was thinking deeply and it must've been from something I said because he wasn't holding such an expression before.

"I'm not that mature. I'm only mature to a certain point. When it comes down to sex and my emotions at times that I'm not very used to, it can be a lot-."

"You're not used to your own emotions?" I rest my elbow on the armrest, leaning towards him as I raise my eyebrow. "How is that so? I could assume that and I believe I've heard you say something on the matter; but does it have to do with the whole werewolf outlook of things. Maturing as soon as you hit eighteen, doing your duties off the bat?"

"Not really. I just was hated all my life basically and I wasn't really shown that many emotions but hate. The emotions I do remember always feeling were anger, contempt, sadness...frustration..." I saw him drift, his eyes glancing over at me and I grin. Only for him to chuckle as he looks back forward. "It's fine now. Feeling other emotions don't really interest me."

I continue to just look at him. He was so complicated and considering what he's been through, he has good reason to be. There's always a way to...grow from his experiences.

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