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A/N The song for this story is Beautiful Tragedy by Mike Dignam, and it made me cry whilst writing this.

Gray Fullbuster could be considered as a very lucky man.

He had a beautiful wife named Juvia who had lovely blue hair and they had three wonderful children.

They lived in a small but peaceful village called Magnolia.

Everything seemed perfect, life always seemed to be pleasant for Gray.

Today, Gray stood over the oven flipping pancakes that he had made for his wife and children. He flicked his messy raven hair out of his face and grinned at how beautiful this day was.

"Dad, are you making pancakes," a small child with hair white as snow entered the kitchen.

"Yes Lyon, in fact they're nearly ready! Go and get your sisters please."

"Okay!" Lyons voice rang throughout the room as he called his sisters.

"Ultear! Meredy!" He cried.

Two girls arrived into the kitchen, giggling wildly. One was quite tall, with straight hair, the same raven colour as her fathers. She appeared quite serious, but the other was completely different.
She had wild pink hair that was extremely curly and she couldn't stop laughing.

"What are you girls up to?" Gray chuckled lightly as he began lifting pancakes onto a few plates.

"Morning," another voice rang through the room and Juvia entered.

"Hello sweetie," Gray said, giving her a light peck on the cheek as he gave the hungry children their plates.

And thus began what Gray thought was another perfect breakfast on another perfect day.


A few weeks later, Gray's "perfect" life began to slowly fall apart.

Juvia had grown very sick recently and Gray was attending work less and less to stay by her side. Gray was forced into a life of taking care of his wife, whilst juggling all the responsibilities of having three children.

But he didn't mind, he knew a man should do anything for his wife.

"G-Gray," Juvia said one day whilst he was sitting next to her bed.

"Yes love," Gray said with a small smile.

"We're nearly out of medicine and I need some more," she said, her voice barely audible, "Could you get some dear?"

"Anything for you."

So Gray went for a walk to the pharmacy. Everything he needed was in the village and nearby, so Gray rarely used a car.

After successfully collecting the medicine, Gray decided to take a different route and walk through the park instead. It was a lovely day and he really needed some time to think.

The sound of the trees rustling in the light spring breeze and water running from the nearby fountain was enough to relax Gray completely.

Suddenly Gray heard a crash behind him and whipped around to see a man had fallen off his wheel chair. A bike rider who had undoubtedly crashed into the man was apologising and helping him up off the ground.

Gray walked over to the two men and began to help the disabled man as well.

"I'm so sorry sir," the bike rider said continuously in panic.

As soon as they got the man back on the wheel chair he finally spoke up,

"Thanks, both of you," he said smiling up at them, "You can go now. I will be fine."

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