chapter two, the heist-

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felicia's pov————————————————————————
as felicia looks over her shoulder she notices the boy from the hallway sleeping on his desk.

she gets curious as she sees a black and blue mark around his eye.

felicia softly pokes the boy with the pencil in her left hand.
"are you okay?"
she whispers as he slowly lifts his head up from his desk.

the boy looks confused as to why felicia would be talking to him.

"your eye"
she points at his eye with her pencil.
"wha- oh. oh yeah it's nothing. i just slipped, yeah i fell pretty badly"
he says, knowing exactly that that's not the reason why he has this bruise.

now in fact this bruise was done by felicia herself. well not technically felicia, it was "back cat". but peter didn't know that, and felicia didn't know he was the one she gave the bruise too.

but they would both find out eventually.

"hm yeah 'you slipped'"
felicia nods sarcastically laughing softly. she pauses for a moment before introducing herself.

"i'm felicia by the way"
"yeah i know"
the boy says not meaning for that to come out his mouth.
"oh you do?"
she says smiling confusingly.
"well- no i mean. i just figured."
she chuckles softly. she pauses for a moment waiting for the boy to introduce himself.
"oh i'm peter. peter parker"
"well it's nice to meet you peter parker"
she smiles softly.
"yeah you too"
peter says.

the bell rings. felicia gave one last glance to peter before she got up and left to head to her next class.
"hey, have you spoken to that peter kid? peter parker?"

felicia said to the blonde girl walking beside her.
"hm no not that i can remember why?"
the blonde girl replies.
"well i spoke to him today, he's nice you know"
felicia says not looking the blonde girl in her eye.
"yeah i saw him in the hallway the other day. i've been meaning to talk to him for a while"
she adds.

the blonde girl laughs.
"and why are you telling me this? you don't like him do you?"
the blonde girl says getting more tense.
"oh come on gwen"
felicia says laughing while hitting gwen lighting with one of her books.
"well do you?"
gwen says getting more serious.
"really gwen?"
felicia says and she finally turns to look at gwen. gwen stares at felicia waiting for her confession.
"i mean i just met him. he's cute i suppose i don't know-"

felicia says as she's cut off by gwen's scoff.
felicia says as gwen walks off.
she says again.

felicia had knew gwen had been crushing on some mystery boy. now, that boy that gwen had been head over heals for perfectly fit peters description.

felicia hadn't thought about it at first, but she had just start to realize that peter was this mystery boy that gwen likes.

peters pov ————————————————————————
"nows your chance peter!"

harry says punching peter in the arm.
peter says rubbing his arm.
"you've really gotta stop doing that"

"listen parker, she's alone and clearly waiting for you to talk to her, just go over to her"
"i don't know harry.."
peter says nervously.
"come one peter. she likes you!"
"i just met her!"
peter says sternly.

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