chapter one, the cat-

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felicia's pov————————————————————————
felicia was having seconds thoughts. i mean invading police headquarters isn't exactly the safest way to start your criminal career. but if she was interested in safety, she would've gone for sewing instead of stealing. she's waited for this moment for two years, everything perfectly planned out. felicia needed to go through with this. she crept in through the window and started searching through the files.

felicia heard faint footsteps from down the hall slowly getting louder.
she picks up some files and she sneaks through the widow as fast and she came in.

with precision, she darts across the city of narrow ledges and dangerous roofs until she rest on top of a faintly wind-blown telephone wire. she reviews the files she stole carefully.
she says under her breath as she gets up and leaps across the city to head home.

after all, she has a big day tomorrow. her first day at her new school.

peters pov————————————————————————
the next morning
aunt may says for about the fourth time in minutes as she makes her way up into his room.
"gosh peter"
she picks up some of the clothes she found on his floor and throws it at him.
"wha huh?"
peter says as he swiftly jumps up from his bed waking up.
"you're late"
"shit. you're right. uh"
peter says as he quickly tries to get dressed.
aunt may tells him while closing the door behind her.
————————————————————————somehow peter managed to be on time for school. he walks to his first period class with his log time best friend harry osborn everyday. the two have been best friends for years. they know everything about each other. expect just one tiny thing, peters secret identity as the "friendly neighborhood spider-man". believe me he truly wishes he could tell harry, and feels guilty about not sharing this huge secret with him. but he couldn't, even if he wanted too it would risk too much. so he kept it a secret from everyone.
even aunt may.

in the corner of his eye, peter spots a new face.
her snowy platinum hair sticks out to him. as he watches her she looks at him. since they were making direct eye contact from across the hall, peter would normally get nervous look away. but there was something about her and it made him want to keep looking.
harry said quite loudly, hitting him on the arm.
peter says as he rubs arm"
"what's with you?"
he says
"what's with me?"
harry says laughing surprisingly.
"what's with y-"
"hey who's that girl over there?"
peter says cutting off harry.
"who? oh, felicia. yeah she just moved here. shes new. apparently her dad was like some serious burglar. he got arrested or something"
peter says confused.
"yeah weird right. anyway i was saying earlier-"
the bell cuts him off
"whatever. i'll catch you later"
harry says.
"yeah see you"
petter says looking at felicia not paying attention. harry chuckles and heads to class.
at night peter would usually swing around the city. admiring the dark. he enjoyed sitting on the rooftops of buildings and listening to all the noise. but something was off tonight.
"somethings wrong"
peter thinks. just as he thinks to himself, he sees a figure dressed as a black cat with leaping on tops of buildings. he doesn't know why but he gets the urge to follow her.
"just in case"
he tells himself.
"you're emil greco, aren't you?"
the girl says as she slips through the window.
"and you're the black cat. so let's skip the introductions and get to business-"
"i want to see what i'm buying first"
black cat says urgently, cutting him off.

spider-man drops low and stays out of sight, watching them carefully

"emil greco? what could she want with the illegal fire-arm dealer?"
peter wonders.
"you're buying what you asked for"
emil counties to go on about all the guns the
mysterious girl is purchasing.

as emil states all the guns shes buying, peter gets a foolish idea.
spider-man sweeps in quickly through the same window black cat swept in through.
"hope you have licenses for these cap pistols. otherwise you'll be in a lot of trouble"
spider-man says sarcastically.

emil shouts surprisingly.

emil pulls out a pistol from under his desk and points it at spider-man.
"don't shoot greco! i'll take care of bug boy"
she says. she leaps through the window and lands on the balcony .

"come on! follow the leader"
cat teases spider-man as she lets herself fall off the balcony.
spider-man jumps down and lands on the floor in attempt to catch her. he searched around but
she's no where in sight.
he mutters.

then suddenly she comes out of the dark and slaps her furry white boot across his face knocking him out.

"i bet you're real pretty under that mask.

felicia's pov————————————————————————
cat jumps up back to the balcony.
"hurry up! i don't know how long he'll be out"
"i got what you want now split. i have a business to run, i don't need any trouble!"

black cat puts her arsenals in a black leather bag then carry's it on her back.
"nice doing business with you greco"

emil scoffs and the cat laughs as she jumps out the window leaving.

peters pov————————————————————————
she makes her way down the the floor checking the bag making sure she got what she needs.
spider-man comes out and kicks black cat to the ground.

"that was real nasty what you did back there."
he says as he looks down on her.
"you're back- again?"
she says annoyed as she turns over facing spider-man as she's on the floor.

"yeah, we need to have a little chat. preferably about what your doing with those guns in your bag"

"oh spidey, as much as i'd love to i simply cant. i've really got business to attend too."
she says as she stands up holding her leather bag in her left hand.
"sorry lady, you're not going anywhere"
spider-man says.

"tsk tsk, you men never understand. maybe it's time you learn"
black cat says flirtatiously. she runs out leaping from building to building while spider-man swings around the dark city chasing her.

after what seems like forever, he didn't have a sight of her. out of breath he makes his way on to a rooftop and pulls of his mask. breathing heavily he thinks to himself.
"black cat huh?"
he chuckles softly.

felicia's pov————————————————————————
black sneaks into her room through the window and takes off her mask.

felicia puts the leather bag in a hidden spot in her closet. she grabs some comfortable clothes and heads to the bathroom. she slips out of her suit and and ruffles her hair.

she hums to herself and turns the shower on. the test the water with her toe and steps into the warm shower.

she lets the water run through her hair. as she runs her hand on her body she thinks to herself.
"spider-man huh?"
she laughs softly.

                                chapter one,
                                     the cat

the cat and the spiderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant