What am I?

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Victoria screamed for help. Nobody heard her, except a girl named Rebekah Mikaelson, because she was a vampire.

"Are you okay, darling?" She asked.

"Ow, I don't know what's happening to me!!" Victoria cried.

"Your turning into a werewolf." Rebekah quickly responded. "I know because my brother was a werewolf, like you."

"But that's impossible my mom is a witc- OW!" Victoria cried.

"My mom is a witch named Bonnie Bennett, my father is a guy named Enzo St. John who is dead and is a vampire!" Victoria screamed, trying to catch her breath.

"Oh I remember Bonnie Bennett, she saved me and my family from my mother. Darling you need to breathe." Rebekah tried to help but it wasn't enough.

Victoria finally turned. Rebekah smiled. "Now run off darling, your a witch you can turn back anytime you want to"

Vic ran off into the forest. She was testing her new abilities. That was the most fun she's had ever since her mom died. Until an arrow was shot at her. A nazi.

Vicky was forced to turn back after that arrow was shot at her. It was laced with wolfsbane. She screamed in pain as she removed the arrow. "Incendia." Vicky said to the nazi vampire. He burned quickly to ashes.

To think this all happened in a week is unbearable. Of course Victoria was confused about how she was a werewolf, witch, and a psychic. "I'm a... tribrid?" She thought.

Victoria was sneaky and got a small piece of Rebekah's hair. Victoria took a dna test and it showed she was related to Rebekah as a niece.

"That girl... is my aunt?" Victoria questioned her life. "I have another family? I should go to sleep, and try to find them tomorrow." In the morning, she found where Rebekah was staying. "They call it the mikaelson compound? Seriously?" Victoria questioned. She went to the gates to see they had body guards. "Sorry ma'am you can't come here." One of them said. "Yes I can. Somnus." Victoria replied. They dropped to the ground.

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