Kens Gone

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"Ken is coming." Hope looked up at the storm in the sky.

A lightning strike appears.

"I've been waiting for this tribrid." Ken laughed.

"Stand back, I got this hope." Victoria whispered.

"And who are you?" Ken asked.

"I'm one of the mikaelsons." Victoria said.

"Is that name supposed to mean anything to me?" Ken asked.

"No but it will." Victoria showed her hybrid eyes.

"Your another one of them aren't you?" Ken scoffed.

"Not exactly, I'm not a tribrid." Victoria replied.

"So you don't even compare to her." Ken laughed.

"Actually, I think I do. Im a quabrid. I'm a werewolf, witch, vampire, and a psychic." Victoria laughed.

"If the tribrid can't beat me, what makes you think you can beat me?" Ken scoffed.

"I'm sure my psychic side will be able to defeat you."

Victoria vamped up to Ken and punched him, and he went flying.

Victoria walked up to Ken and did her psychic blast.

She manipulated fire and sent it towards Ken.

Ken was now on the ground, with his spear full of God magic and red oak.

Victoria grabbed the spear. "You won't live to ever threaten my sister again."

Victoria put the spear in his heart.

He quickly turned into ashes.

"Wow I can't believe you did that by yourself I-"
Before Hope could finish her sentence, Victoria ran and hugged her.

"I'm so sorry for everything. Hope I love you so much." Victoria cried.

"It's okay Vicky." Hope cried.

"I was so jealous of you, how you had a whole family at this school and I had nobody." Vicky wiped her tears.

"You deserve this life, Hope." Vicky said in despair.

"There will be people coming for you all the time. And I want to be right by your side when it happens." Vicky laughed.

"Your joining the Salvatore School?" Hope asked.

"I am, even though I thought it was very childish at first, but seeing you have a whole other family here just makes me feel even more welcomed." Victoria replied.

"Well come on then, I'll show you to your room!" Hope laughed.

Later that evening, Victoria and Hope were talking in their room.

"So, do you have a crush yet?" Victoria asked Hope.

"His name is Landon. But I had to kill him." Hope replied.

Victoria had a shocked face.

"Its a long story. But I can't be with him because he's stuck in limbo and he's now the ferryman." Hope sighed.

"Awh. I'm sorry Hope." Victoria held her hand.

"Enough about me, do you have a crush?" Hope asked.

"Yes actually. His name is Mg." Victoria whispered.

"Mg?! No way!" Hope laughed.

"I'm really tired after today, I'm gonna head to bed." Hope yawned.

"Okay." Victoria smiled.

Victoria snuck her candles and went to the main hallway. She started on a projection spell that her mom taught her.

She made it to Limbo.

"Hi I'm looking for a Landon?" Victoria shouted.

"Your a new face." Landon laughed.

"Are you Landon?" Victoria asked.

"Yes, and who are you?" Landon replied.

"I'm hopes sister. It's a long story. But I'm here to pull you out." Victoria responded.

"That's impossible? I'm the ferryman you can't do that." Landon questioned.

"No, it's not." Victoria got the hang of her powers, flicked her wrist, and destroyed the limbo realm. All creatures there would go to peace.

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